Nishi Haruka - Fish Tank

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"Friend! I have found you again!" Nishi excitedly bounces towards me. She's wearing a rather cute dress, much different from the casual clothes I usually see her in.

"Hey. New clothes?"

"Yes! Nishi fell into the pool a while ago causing her clothes to become all squishy-squooshy, so Ryoko and Miki came and bought new ones!" Nishi does a little twirl. Cute.

"I see...The correct word to use is "wet" by the way. Your clothes got wet from falling into the pool."

"I am wet!"


"Nevermind, please keep using squishy-sqooshy."

"See? Squishy-squooshy is better! You should use my word instead!"

"If you somehow find a way to change the english dictionary, I will. You look cute in that dress by the way." Nishi dramatically gasps as I finish my sentence.

"Is this what the humans call "flirting"? Are you attempting to woo me because I am suddenly wearing tight-fitting fabric? Must I exchange these clothes for another pair?"

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"I understand! I am overjoyed to hear this because my room is very far away from here where I am trying to go. That reminds me... Friend, do you want to join me somewhere?"

"To where exactly?"


"...And what exactly are we going to do in these "places"?" I see her smile gets wider.

"Good question, friend! Tell me, have you ever heard of "fishes" before?" Why is she acting like fishes are something rare?

"As a matter of fact, I have." ...Why am I acting like fishes are something rare?

"Would your body be consumed by excitement if I told you there was a place with many fishes?"

"...We're in the middle of the ocean, Nishi. There are fish everywhere."

"But what if I told you there was a place on the ship where you can see the fishes from a close distance? Does it make your heart race with joy?"

"...Not really, no."

"There is nothing to fear, friend! I was afraid at first as well, but everything will be okay! They are kind animals!"

"..." So she thinks the reason I am not excited is because I'm afraid of fishes?

"Do not worry, I will protect you. Nishi is a natural predator of the fish." Nishi blesses me with her protection. I feel like I can take on anything now.

"...Alright, but I don't think there's an aquarium on the ship."

"There is one! I will not be deceived by a person who fears fishes!"

"I don't fear- ...Actually, fine. Just lead me to the aquarium." Nishi quickly walks up to my side and points in the direction we'll be heading towards. It's not exactly what I was planning on doing today, but I guess the unexpected always happens when Nishi's around. Being unpredicatble is normal for her at this point.

And if there was an aquarium on the ship, I see no harm in going there with her if it will make her happy.


"...and when I fell in, Ryoko got suuuuper mad! Nishi did not expect it at all!" As we continue our journey, Nishi rambles on about her experiences.

"I didn't expect that from Ryoko. She seems really laid-back, so I would expect her to laugh it off or something."

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