Nanami Yabu - We Were Angels Too

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I knock on the door of the Class C girls quite late at night. I haven't really spoke to them after the ordeal with Rika, so I thought now would be a good time. The door opened, but instead of being invited in like usual, Yabu steps out of the room and into the hall. I guess she was just leaving?

"Good evening, Ayanokouji. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She gives me a smile. However, her eyes are still showing that odd combination of despair and acceptance.

"I came to check on you guys. After all that's happened, I want to make sure everyone is alright." I reply.

"Oh, you're a bit too late for that. Saki, Shiho, and Rika all went to bed early today. You should probably head by tomorrow."

"I see...but there's one person I can still talk with."

"Hmm? Are you worried about me?"

"Of course, with everything that's going on, it must be taking a toll on you. I'm honestly surprised you aren't resting like the others, why are you going out this late?"

"Ah, I was about to embark on a little...journey. Would you like to come with? I'd feel much more comfortable if you did." She says.

"A journey? What kind of journey are we talking about?" I inquire.

"Oh nothing bad. I just wanted to visit the top deck."

"The top deck? At this hour? Why?"

"Remember when you found me on the roof of the school that one time?"

"I do remember that, yes."

"Well, high places like that have kind of happy place. Just being up high above everyone, feeling the calming breeze, it helps me calm down. It reminds me of a lake or a peaceful mountain top. You don't have to come with me, I'm not forcing you." She states.

"I suppose I don't mind tagging along."


The two of us walk through the empty halls, heading up towards the deck. There's not as many lights on the deck of the ship then there are in the halls, so as we reach the deck the surrounding area has become significantly more dim. It kind of reminds me of the girl standing next to me.

When I first met Nanami Yabu, I thought she was a very bright person. She's friendly towards everyone, she cares a lot about her friends, she's very studious... and yet the more I spend time with her, the more I realize that there's some sort of darkness growing within her.

I wonder if that darkness will consume her?

Will it twist around her and make it harder for her to function as the bright girl she is meant to be?

Or will she find a way to cut all of that out of her and draw the light back in to where it once called home?


Both of us don't speak a word.

It's quiet. Too quiet.

Say something.

"Ayanokouji?" Yabu speaks.

Thank you.


"Do you ever get tired?"

"...Of course, I am a human being. I get tired and need sleep, like any other person."

"That's not what I meant." Yabu slightly giggles at my response. "I you ever get tired of helping people?"

"...Why are you asking me this?" She stops walking and turns towards me.

"Its just...I've seen you help a lot of people. Saki is more cheerful ever since she met you, Shiho doesn't lash out as much, Rika smiles a lot when you're around...and even I admit that I feel very comfortable around you. I've also heard a few snippets here and there about you from some other people in other classes, and they're always positive. How can you do all of that without getting tired?" She asks.

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