Shiho Manabe - Dead of Night

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It's been a few months since I came to this school.

Have I enjoyed it here? Absolutely. I would stay here forever if I could.

However, something

I find myself wandering the campus at night. Everything is as quiet as death. There is no one here.

My feet move on their own, leading me down towards the school building. The same path I've walked almost everyday for the past few months.

"Hey...What are you doing?" A voice calls out to me.

"I don't know." I answer without thinking. Did I really just come to this school for three years of freedom?

"...Weirdo." I finally turn my head to the voice.

"Oh, it's just you."

"Just me? The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Manabe huffs.

"Nothing in particular. What are you doing out this late?"

"None of your business." She quickly shuts down my attempt at conversation.

"I see. I doubt you're looking to have a conversation this late at night, so I'll be on my way." I mumble before turning to walk away.

"Hey...wait a sec." She calls out. I stop and face her yet again.

"You...What's wrong with you?" She asks.

"...What do you mean?" There are a lot of things wrong with me.

"It's pretty hard not to notice. Your lack of facial expressions, your emotionless voice, uncaring attitude. It's not natural at all."

"I wasn't aware that you were actually paying attention to me. Thanks for your concern, but I really was just born this way."

"Don't give me that crap. Stuff like that ain't normal. You're even wandering around in the middle of the night like a lost puppy. Are you gonna say that that's a habit you were born with as well?" She mocks, however there is a tone of concern behind her words.

"You're overthinking it. I was just lost in thought for a while, thinking about what I'm doing here."

"What you're doing here?"


"Then don't bother. Everyone's here for one reason or another, whether its to escape from your past,or to survive, or just because they want to."

"..." I stare for a moment. To escape from your past, or to survive huh. Is that the reason Manabe is here in this school?

"The hell are you staring at?"

"Sorry, I was just surprised. You always act like you're on top of the world, but moments like these I realize that you might actually be somewhat vulnerable."

"Hey! I'm not some dainty, little princess! I'm strong as hell!" Manabe protests.

"Well aren't you a cute little rebel?"

"I will rip your head off right now."

"Alright, calm down. I wonder though, do you really have to act this hostile to everyone you meet?"

"...Haven't you seen what Rika is like? She can't stand up for herself, and she lets everyone just walk over her. If she can't defend herself, someone has to do it for her."

"Protecting your friends is respectable. I don't think you have to be this aggressive about it though."

"I'm not trying to be aggressive! It's just the way I talk!"

"It's certainly an interesting way to talk. Did your parents also talk the same way?" For a moment, I could see Manabe's eyes darken. So, her parents are a sensitive topic.

"...No, I got it from my crew."

"Your crew?"

"Just a gang of lowlives like yours truly. We'd hang out at an arcade, pick the locks of public lockers, spit at cars, stuff like that."

"I hope you aren't doing that here..."

"'Course I'm not doing that anymore. My whole crew is already gone anyway."

"I still think you should try to sound less provocative. I'm sure a lot of people would hate you for being rude. Must be pretty tough."

"No. Being hated isn't tough at all. It's never been a problem for me..." Manabe looks like she wants to say more, but she cuts herself off and goes back to staring at the ground.

"...Listen, I was probably being a bit pushy at the start. You probably have your reasons to be the way you are." She says.

"No harm done. I really was just born like this, though. I never showed much emotion when I was younger either. I mean, what else could be the reason?"

"...I can think of one reason." She says, but doesn't elaborate.

"...Do you mind telling me what that is?" I eventually ask her.

"This is gonna sound pretty insensitive though."

"I don't care about that, I wouldn't get mad either way."

"Ha, as if I'm afraid of you getting mad. I'm pretty damn good with my fists."

"Intimidating. Are you going to try and fight me?" She looks up, and analyzes me for a second.

"...Probably not. You're like twice my size."

"That is a big exaggeration. I am only a bit taller than you."

"Whatever. You're still bigger than me, so I'd rather not take a chance." She leans back.

"...So are you going to tell me what the reason is?" Manabe lets out a small sigh before looking me in the eyes. She seems hesitant to speak, and takes a moment to formulate the sentence in her head.

"...Have you like...been through something traumatic?"

White Room.

"No, I have never been through anything like that. I lived a completely normal life." I answer her.

"..." It was clear she still didn't believe me, but she didn't pry.

"We should probably get back to the dorms. We have class in the morning tomorrow." I suggest.

"...You can go on ahead. I'll stay here for a little while longer." She replies.

"Alright. Have a good night." I say to her before walking back towards the dorms. Manabe doesn't reply, she just continues to stare at the ground.

I wonder what she was doing out here so late?

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