Event - Butterfly Effect

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The first meeting went just as I expected. Ichinose with her amazing social skills was able to lead the entire discussion, meanwhile the Class A students were using their own strategy of not participating at all. At this moment in time, I can't say which strategy is the correct one. With the discussion mostly over, I used this opportunity to glance around the room.

The most notable people were the three Class C girls. Manabe was fidgeting in her seat, probably in unease because the three were completely seperated from Morofuji. Saki also looked nervous, repeatedly glancing around the room, but was mostly staring at their third member in concern.


Yabu...did not look well. She was face down on the table, seemingly asleep. During the whole discussion, you could probably count the amount of times she lifted her head off the table on one hand. This was far different from her usual behaviour.

When the main discussions were over, Manabe stood up and approached someone.

"You're Karuizawa, right? There's something I want to ask you." Manabe's voice was relatively calm, but I could see that both her fists were clenched in anger. Honestly, I was half expecting Manabe to just walk up and deck Karuizawa in the face right then and there, but it seems even Manabe knows restraint.

"What?" Karuizawa herself seemed to not be expecting her name to be called.

"Did you hurt Rika?"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Who's Rika?"

"The one wearing glasses? She wears her hear like a dango? You don't recall her?"

"I don't. You've got the wrong person." Karuizawa brushes them off as if they have nothing to do with her and glanced back towards her phone.

"Oh really? We heard a different story. That Class D's Karuizawa bullied our Rika and made her cry. That she was buying food and you knocked her over." Manabe growled.

"...I don't know what you're talking about. Do you have a problem with me?"

"That depends. If you were the one, I want you to apologize to Rika. Rika's the type to keep quiet about matters like this, so it's our job as her friends to stand up for her." It looks like it's not just in our class, Karuizawa had a reputation as a troublemaker in other classes as well. Karuizawa didn't reply and just ignored them, but it seems the only thing that did was make Manabe even angrier. She aggressively takes her phone out of her pocket and points the camera at Karuizawa.

"Then, you wouldn't mind if I check again would you? If you didn't do anything, then you surely wouldn't have a problem with that, right?" At that moment, Karuizawa suddenly stood up and grabbed the phone from Manabe's hands. She used quite a bit of force as the phone flew through the air and fell down on the floor with a thud.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Manabe shouted. I thought that would be the final straw and Manabe's fists would start flying, but to my surprise she instead went to her phone to make sure it wasn't broken.

"That's my line, don't take my picture without my permission. I already told you I didn't do it!" Both sides were denying the other's claims, and as the argument heated up, Ichinose was staring at them as if trying to discern who's in the right and who's in the wrong.

"What are you going to do if my phone breaks?"

"What? Just tell the school and get yourself a new one!" Karuizawa sharply replies.

"...there were some precious photos in this phone." Manabe's voice goes softer for a moment as she picks up the phone and turns it on. From my position, I could see her phone's wallpaper. It was a photo of the four Class C girls.

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