Yume Kobashi - Cliche Encounter

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Lunch has just started, and I find myself wandering around the library. Maybe I'll grab a book to read while I eat. As I search around for a good book, I spot a girl on top of a stepladder. She's reaching up trying to grab a book from the top shelf, but she's in a pretty precarious position. If she lost her balance she woul-

"Almost... AHHH!"

-would fall right off. Sometimes, I hate being right all the time. Fortunately, I was right behind her when she fell down, meaning I cushioned the fall for her. Unfortunately, I took all the damage, both from the fall and from her body landing on top of me. My poor ribs...

"Ow..." The girl mumbles. She turns around, and comes face to face with me. She stares for a moment, before realizing the situation she was in. How cliche.

"O-oh my god! I'm so sorry!" She scrambles to get off me, before kneeling next to me to make sure I'm still alive.

"Don't worry about it, I'm more worried about you. That was quite the fall." I say while getting up from the ground.

"No, no! I'm fine, you caught me after all." Hiyori2 gives me a slight bow as thanks.

"You should really be careful though. If I wasn't here you would have gotten really hurt." I reprimand.

"I know, I know... This happens so often you'd think I'd be prepared for it by now."

"...How often do you fall off stepladders? I can't really imagine this being a majorly recurring event."

"I don't mean stepladders specifically. I'm just sort of clumsy in general..." Hiyorithe2nd looks away in embarrassment.

"That's nothing to feel bad about. We all have our moments."

"Hehe, thanks for making me feel better." She gives me a cute smile.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Class D. And you are..."

"Yume Kobashi, Class B." TheSecondReincarnationofHiyoriEvenThoughHiyoriIsn'tDead has finally given me her name so I can stop coming up with unfunny nicknames in my head.

"Do you come to the library often, Kobashi? I've been here a few times but I don't think I've met you before."

"I love reading books, so yes I am here quite often. Mostly during lunch breaks, its pretty quiet during that time since no one wants to skip out on lunch."

"I see, I suppose that explains it. This is the first time I'm here during lunch after all. Although, does that mean you're skipping lunch?"

"Hmm, I guess so. Sometimes Honami or Chihiro brings me melon bread, so its not really a big deal."

"I see. I should probably ask Shiranami to bring you something more if you keep skipping lunch, that can't be healthy."

"That's not necessary!...Wait, you know Chihiro? Are you that boy she was talking about?" Kobashi asks.

"I don't know what she was talking about, but maybe? It could be any boy, not just me. But yes, I do know her. We've hung out a bit, are you close to her as well?"

"Of course! We're almost inseparable, she's like a sister to me. We're not actually related though, most people think we are even though we're not." Well, you do have very similar hairstyles. Although this girl is clearly more...blessed in the chest department compared to Shiranami.

"Interesting, is she more of a big sister or little sister to you?"

"Umm... A little bit of both?"

"Really, Shiranami seems like the shy little sister type."

"Hehe, I can see that. But she does take care of me every now and then, like bringing me lunch, so there's definitely a big sister type in her." My eyes wander to the book in her hand.

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. That's a very interesting choice." I comment.

"Oh, this? I just saw this on the top shelf. I read this book when I was too young to understand it, so I thought this was a good opportunity to reread it. I always liked fantasy books, so why not read one of the best known fantasy works of all time?"

"That certainly makes sense. I'm also looking for a book to read, though I'm not sure what to really pick."

"I could help you with that if you'd like. Just name a genre and I'll give some recommendations!"

"Well I always liked mysteries and crime novels. At the very least, I heavily enjoyed Agatha Christie's works." Kobashi taps her chin in thought.

"Hmm...Well it's not exactly like Christie's work, but perhaps you could try reading Arsene Lupin by Maurice Leblanc? It's a very good read, and it has some interesting mysteries along with it."

"I am familiar with it. I suppose I could give it a try, thanks for the tip."

"You're welcome!" She leads me towards the crime novel section of the library, and I pick up the book I came here to get.

"We still have some time, you should really eat a proper lunch every once in a while. Why don't you come with me to the cafeteria? I'm sure some of your friends would be there."

"Well... I guess I don't have anything else to do here. Sure, I'll come along." She smiles. With that, me and Kobashi head towards the cafeteria together while making some idle conversation about books.

"You, with the face!" A voice calls out as we enter the cafeteria.

"...I'm pretty sure we all have faces, Andou." Me and Kobashi approach a table filled with Class B students. Shiranami perks up as she notices my companion.

"You and Yume know each other?" She questions.

"We just recently met at the library. Since she told me she usually skips lunches, I have forced her to come here to eat. If you bring her food, could you please bring her more than just bread? I would rather not let her starve."

"Hey! I said it wasn't necessary, meanie!" Kobashi pouts at me. Shiranami giggles at our antics.

"You are with Yume this time, huh. Trying to expand your harem even more hmm?" Minamikata smirks at me.

"...I have no idea what you're talking about." I reply.

"Hey, if you're gonna eat, might as well stay here with us. I don't think anyone has a problem with that." I take a moment to glance around the cafeteria. I spot a table with Mori, Onodera, Inogashira, and Ichihashi. I could probably go bother them if I wanted as well.

What shall I chose?

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