Kozue Minamikata - Early Riser

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Its the weekend, and I have nothing to do. I suppose I'll go outside and try to find someone to bother. Somehow or another, I find myself standing in the girl's dorm. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'm sure the beast had something to do with it. Since I'm here, might as well try talking to someone.

"Oh, hey. What's up? You looking for somebody?" I find Minamikata leaning against a wall in the middle of the hallway. I guess her room must be on this floor, good to know.

"I am, actually. Her name is Kozue Minamikata. Have you seen her anywhere?" I try to joke.

"Cool name. Sounds like a pretty awesome girl. Want to look for her together?" Without missing a beat she goes along with me.

"No need. I'm pretty sure I just found her."

"What? Where?"

"Right in front of me."

"Aww, shucks. Now that you mention it, that is me!" Minamikata gives me a smile and a wink.

"Though, I'm not sure exactly why you're looking for me of all people." She continues.

"Oh, I'm just trying to kill time right now. I don't really have much to do in the morning, and I just so happen to wander here."

"You...somehow just wandered to the girl's dorm without thinking?"

"That's right." She gives me a questioning look. Now that I think about it, I do sound suspicious don't I? Time to change the subject.

"So, what are you doing just standing here in the middle of the hallway?"

"Oh, Sayo woke me up for a light morning jog." What is with athletic girls and waking up early to exercise.

"Andou? I don't see her around here."

"Ah, she went back to her room to grab some stuff. Her room is right over there." Minamikata points to a room with the door slightly ajar.

"I see. Do you two do this every weekend?"

"Hmm, yeah, pretty much. Unless Sayo forgets to knock on my door, then I'll usually sleep through the entire morning."

"You're a pretty light sleeper if a knock is enough to wake you up."

"Quite the opposite, it takes a lot to wake me up." Hear that, boss? We can do things to her while she's asleep and she won't even notice! Get back in your cage, beast.

"Then how is Andou able to wake you up?"

"Ah, well...Let's just say knocking is a very big understatement. It's more like she bangs on the door with a force that can rival a battering ram. Nobody can sleep through that. Honestly, I'm pretty sure the bones in her hand are busted at this point."

"I'm pretty sure most of her is busted."

"I can hear you two, you know!?" Andou's voice yells out from her room.

"Hey, Sayo! If it makes you feel better, I think it's pretty cool that you can get up early every day! And you have a powerful spike, so... good job!" Minamikata yells back.

"I will...forgive you for now! But next time please wait until I'm out of range if you're going to use viscious mockery on me!"

"I don't know what that is, but okay!" With that, Minamikata returns her attention to me.

"You two seem to get along well." I comment.

"That's just a side effect from being in Class B. Everyone there is good at making friends, so I've gotten along with basically everybody in the class so far." True, all the Class B students seem close to each other.

"Yes, I'm sure a lot of people have also fallen for you at this point." I try for another joke.

"Oh God, I hope not. I have no idea how I'd go about rejecting so many people at once. Should I like, send out a formal rejection letter or something?"

"Yes. That is absolutely something you should do. Make sure to send me one as well."

"Oh no, don't tell me you have a crush on me too..."

"Who knows. At the very least, I can tell you that everyone loves you." This is an undeniable fact. Everbody loves Minamikata. If you do not love Minamikata, that is fine, just know that your opinion is wrong.

"Alright, alright. Flattery will get you nowhere." She sticks her tongue out at me.

"I guess a change of topic is in order then. What's Class B like?"

"Hmm, it's a nice class. Everyone likes working together, so it's pretty exhilirating. It might get a bit loud at times, but it's fun. It also helps that everyone is kind of weird."

"Doesn't that mean you must be weird too since you're a part of it?"

"Hey, I never said I wasn't weird. No one's perfect after all. I just hope you won't forget who I am amidst all the huge personalities around here." She gives me a wink.

"Wait a minute...are you actually trying to get my attention?"

"Hey, dude, don't get any funny ideas yet. You need to get closer to me first before that can happen." I take a step forward.

"Not physically, smartass." I take a step back.

"I definitely agree with you though. From the Class B students that I know, a few of them are pretty eccentric. In a good way." To be perfectly honest, everyone I've met so far are like that.

"Of course, I don't mean they're weird in like, a negative way or whatever. They're weird in the kind of way that makes them interesting to talk to." A lot of them also have their fair share of problems that they try to hide. Although that itself makes them interesting to talk to.

I wonder what problem Minamikata has. Aren't you curious as well?

I want to say I know who she is and that she doesn't have any problem based off of her behaviour, but what I've learned is that you can never truly know anything.

"Hey you two! Is it my turn to flirt with Ayanokouji now?" Andou pops out of her room and walks towards us.

"Get in line, pal." Both of them share a light laugh.

"Actually, why don't you join us? Just a light jog around the campus." Andou asks me.

"Nah. You two can go. I'll do something else."

"Gah! Are you leaving because of me!?" Andou dramatically screams.

"Yes, it's totally because of you. But also because of some other stuff."

"I really don't mind having you join us you know. I wasn't just gonna ask you to leave or anything." She clarifies.

"Don't worry about it. Maybe another time."

"If it's cool with you, we should hang out again sometime. Just call or knock on my dorm room." Minamikata says.

"I'll keep that in mind." I give both girls a wave before leaving.

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