Shiho Manabe - Headache

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I find myself wandering the hallways of the school in the morning. There's still a few minutes until class starts, so I have a bit of time.


I seem to have encountered a girl on her way to her own classroom.

"...Hey." The girl finally says after a few moments.

"Good morning, Manabe. It's rare to see you without Yabu and Morofuji."

"I needed to grab a textbook from the library, so I told them to go to the classroom without me." She shrugs.

"Hmm... You seem to be in a good mood today." I comment.

"Oh yeah? Why do you say that?"

"Well, you haven't threatened me or asked me to go away yet, so that's a start. You might be finally growing out of your tsundere persona-"

"Finish that sentence and I guarantee you that'll change." She deadpans at me.

"No thank you. I'm good."

"Good, and uh... Sorry about the weird interrogation I did that one night. I didn't mean to pry, guess my curiosity just got the better of me." She mutters with a slightly bashful expression.

Woah, Manabe is apologizing to me. This counts as character growth, doesn't it? Is that what's happening right now?

"...What are you getting all quiet for? Aren't you supposed to go like 'It's okay. No big deal.' or something along those lines?" She asks.

"I'm always quiet."

"Not the point. I'm new to this apologizing thing, but I'm at least mature enough to admit when I did something unnecessary. I know what it's like, not wanting to talk about your past..." She mutters the last part quietly, and I was barely able to catch it.

"It's fine. Really." I reach up to pet her head slightly. She freezes the second my fingers touch her hair.



"Touch me again and I will cut off all your fingers." Yikes. I suppose it was a solid two minutes of tame conversation with Manabe, that's already a miracle. Asking for any more than that would just be selfish.

"Sir!" A voice calls out.

"Not again..." Manabe mumbles as another girl approaches the both of us.

"Saki Yamashita, reporting for duty, sir!" She gives me a salute, hoping that one day I might actually salute back.

"Saki, you know you don't actually have to report to me, right?" Saki ignored me completely though, and instead stares at Manabe.

"We meet again...the legendary Queen of Hatred..." She says.

"The fuck did you just call me?" Manabe glares at Saki. In turn, Saki faces me.

"Sir! I humbly request your protection from this individual! I believe I may have offended her."

"I'm in a completely different class, how do you expect me to protect you. Besides, I don't think Manabe is offended. She just always acts like that. Eventually you'll get used to her bright and colorful personality."

"Hey! Watch it, douchebag. Don't think I don't realize when you're being sarcastic."

"...Woah." Saki mutters in awe.

"...Woah, what? What are you looking at?" Manabe asks.

"Your displays of bravery always amazes me. I can tell that your skill points in courage is far above the average for your level. Teach me your ways of the dark arts, and in exchange I shall teach you my knowledge in holy magic..." Manabe turns to me.

"...Did you follow that sentence?"

"I have just learned to go along with Saki's antics. Understanding her is not within my capabilities." I reply to her.

"I shall leave the both of you for now, but keep my offer in mind, Queen of Hatred. You haven't seen the last of me." Saki faces in my direction again.

"Good day, sir." She gives me one last salute, before walking towards Class C.

Manabe is left exhausted and frustrated, typical symptoms that arise from conversing with Saki for a period of time.

"That girl is a walking headache..." She mumbles, as she lightly rubs her temples.

"She's not that bad. I know someone else who-"

...Oh dear.

"Hm? Why'd you stop talking?" Manabe questions.

"Manabe. Whatever you do, do not turn to your left. I don't think your heart is ready for another surprise this early in the morning."

"My left? What do you-" Manabe ignores my advice and looks anyway, coming face to face with another familiar girl.

"...Friend, did you manage to receive a big sum of points for this female specimen?"

"...What is going here?" Manabe looks back to me, confusion clear in her eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Good morning to you too, Nishi."

"Nishi? The hell is a Nishi?"

"Nishi is a Nishi. Made from 75% water and 25% passion." Nishi introduces herself to Manabe in a rather...unique way.


"Sorry, Manabe. Nishi is a little-" I try to explain, but she cut me off.

"Forget it...You were right, it is too early in the morning for this kind of thing." Manabe mumbles before leaving me and Nishi. We are both silent for a while.

"...That could have gone better." Nishi comments.

"You're telling me..." I mutter in response.

I spend the next few minutes listening to Nishi ramble as we walk towards our respective classes. I had to prevent Nishi from walking into the wrong classroom a few times, but it was quite entertaining nonetheless. As I sat down in my seat, Chabashira-sensei entered the room and made her way to the front of the class.

"We will be having a class trip." She announces.

Soon after, everyone found themselves boarding the luxury cruise, Speranza.

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