Saki Yamashita - Gamer Speak

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Today I find myself walking towards the Class C classroom after school. The reason being that Chabashira-sensei asked me to deliver some papers to Sakagami-sensei. Why did she pick me over everyone else? I don't know. At the very least I know some people in Class C so it shouldn't be that akward.

Going inside, only two students and one teacher were still in the room. First one being Manabe, who I am not that familiar with, and the second being Yamashita, who seems to be sleeping at her desk. I walk over to deliver the papers, only to find the teacher sitting at the desk to not be Sakagami-sensei at all.

"...Hoshinomiya-sensei, hello."

"Buh!?... Oh, Ayanokouji! Sorry, I have a bit of a hangover, I didn't hear you come in. Did you need something, or did you just come to see me?" Hoshinomiya-sensei with a hangover, what else is new.

"I need to deliver some papers to Sakagami-sensei."

"Oh, just leave it on the desk. I'll bring it to the teacher's lounge later. For now I'm just gonna rest my head... right here." With that, Hoshinomiya-sensei lays her head not-so-gracefully on the desk. With my task being done, I suppose I'll say hello to the students.

"Hello." Manabe looks up from her phone.

"Oh no, not this again."

"I just said hello..."

"Well you've succeeded. Now leave me alone." Well she's as hostile as ever. Deciding not to anger her, I turn and walk towards the sleeping Yamashita.

"Hey..." Manabe's voice calls out. I give her a slight questioning look. Her voice wasn't hostile this time.

"About the thing with Rika... Thanks for agreeing to help her." She says, before hiding her face behind her phone. Well, that was not what I expected.

"You don't have have to thank me for that, really." I say. Manabe doesn't reply, but somehow I feel like we've gotten slightly closer.

I step in front of Yamashita's desk.


"Shhh...You should know better than to disturb a maiden in her sleep, Ayanokouji." Hoshinomiya-sensei calls out.

"I am aware, sensei."

"It didn't exactly stop you from talking to her, soooo..."

"Because sleeping on a desk like that isn't exactly good posture, it presents a few medical concerns. I am looking out for her health."

"Ehhh!? But when I laid my head on the desk you didn't say anything about my health!?"


"Uwaaah!? Ayanokouji is so mean to me!" Deciding to ignore the sulking overly-friendly teacher, I turn my attention back to Yamashita. I start snapping my fingers in front of her, hoping to get a reaction.

Clearly, it didn't work. Time for me to try a different approach.

"...Anime sucks."

"Hah!? Wha!?" Yamashita immediately jolts upright. My strategy has worked flawlessly.

"Where am I!? What's going on!?...Wait...this world looks exactly like my classroom...There's even a Hoshinomiya-sensei clone in front of the class..."

"I'm not a clone, Yamashita." Hoshinomiya-sensei mumbles before returning to her sulking position.

"...and there's a clone of the scary girl in my class too..."

"Who are you calling scary!?" Manabe yells.

"...Hello." I finally say. At last, Yamashita notices that I am also in the room.

"Ah, now there's an Ayanokouji clone! Has my greatest fantasy finally come true!?"

"...Excuse me?"

"Don't worry about it!"

"I'm kind of curious now."

"Same. Why don't you tell me about it Yamashita? We can share our fantasies!" Sensei, go back to sleep. You are drunk. Like usual.

"So, I assume I really am in the classroom and not in some identical isekai?"

"I don't know what an isekai is, but yes?"

"How unfortunate. Anyway, did you need something from me Ayanokouji? A quest? An H-Scene? DESTRUCTION!?" The fire in her eyes lights up.

"...Yes, Yamashita. I would like some destruction." I found that the best method is to just go with the flow.

...Wait, what was the second thing she said?

"Great! Unfortunately I am not at a high enough level to use high rank spells yet, so destruction will have to wait!" Then why even make it an option...

"I am starting to realize that I don't understand most of the things you say."

"That's not good sir! Gamer-speak is an important language to learn, its basically english! How do you expect our relationship to flourish when you can't understand me!?"

"Are you still going on about that lead heroine in a harem thing? I don't even talk to that many girls so I wouldn't fit your criteria." There's only Onodera, Inogashira, Andou, Minamikata, Shiranami, Nishikawa, Manabe, Yabu, Morofuji...

...Okay, I'm starting to see it now.

"Hoho, you underestimate me sir. I just so happen to be a master at dating sims, and I can spot a dense protagonist when I see one!"

"Dating sim? As in... simulator? Why would you play a dating simulator instead of going out and doing it in real life?"

"You don't choose 2D, sir. The 2D chooses you."

"...I am already lost."

"Not to worry. We are still at the 2nd heart event. Our relationship will keep building up until we graduate, so we can have the heartwarming scene where I bond with your mother and cook dinner with her!"

"I...don't really know my mother." I can't even recall her face. I wonder if she agreed to send me to that place, or even if she's still alive.

"Oh! Shoot... I'm really sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I just got swept up in my-"

"It's fine, Yamashita. Don't beat yourself up over it, I couldn't care less to be honest." I cut her off.

"But... that's so sad..."

"It's just how it is. There's no point in getting stuck in the past, what's done is done. Might as well live as best as you can without anything holding you down, right?"


"...What?" I like this girl, boss. Can we keep her? Be quiet.

"Thank you! You have just given me motivation I needed to convince myself to pull for that character I want!"

"...Pulling for what now?"

"That doesn't matter! Just know that I greatly appreciate it! Now please excuse me, the gacha gods are calling my name!" With that, Yamashita rushes out of the classroom.

Well that was...interesting.

"That weird." Manabe mumbles.

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