1st Island Exam - Day 1

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"Come on, we can tough it out with the toilet at least!" Ike exclaims.

"Excuse me! I'm telling you that some girls might not be able to!" Karuizawa objects.

The island exam has just started, and an argument has already broken out. A quiet girl sits a ways away from the argument, and an athletic one soon approaches.

"Heya! Why are you sitting so far away from the others?" Onodera says as she draws near.

"...Conflict... I don't like." Inogashira murmurs.

"Ah I feel you there. They're yelling way too much for me. So, are you planning to go swimming? I mean look at the clean blue ocean! It must feel so nice to move around there." Onodera longingly looks at the ocean.

"I'm... not really good at swimming. The ocean is also kind of big...so I'll pass." Inogashira answers.

"Such a shame though! If it wasn't for the exam, I'd already be in the water, trying to race the cruise ship or something! Anyway, looks like it's just gonna be us for a while since everyone is busy arguing. So, how's the vacation so far? Did you know Ruri basically molested us?"


"Oh, that's probably not the best choice of words. Nah, she's just very touchy. It just became especially apparent once you hang out with her for a few days. Probably should have cleared that up before scaring you."

"Oh. No... I'm sorry for... not understanding right away... Ichihashi seems like a nice girl and... she probably wouldn't do anything like that." Inogashira apologizes.



"Hey, everything okay? You seem kind of under the weather. The island exam starting to get to you?" Onodera expresses her concern.

"Hm? No... I'm okay. Just a little tired."

"You sure? I know we're not really the closest, but you're still a friend of mine. We gotta stick together, you know? Especially when we're feeling sad and stuff. Hey, you every have any interest in joining the swimming club? We could use another member. Work out those legs of yours and you'll be cutting through the water like Caeleb Dressel before you even know it."

"I... don't know who that is... but I'm not really interested in swimming. If you um... If you ever want to sew or play video games or something, though..."

"Sewing probably wouldn't suit me, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I didn't take you for a gamer though, that's pretty wicked! I haven't played games in years cause I'm always focused on exercising. That and the fact that I should probably be using my free time to study."

"Studying is boring, though..."

"You got that right! Still, it's probably important for us if we don't want to get kicked out. Might have to ask Ruri to teach me a few things, that girl is a natural born genius... or just plain crazy. Especially if you read the stuff she makes... Hey, if you wanna chime in, feel free. If not, I'll probably keep rambling about random stuff until we go."

"Hehe... no, it's fine... It's easier for me when other people talk anyway..."

"Sounds good to me. I used to go to a lot of beaches like this when I was younger. You seem to like oceans a lot, I feel like everytime we hang out near it I always spot you staring at the horizon."

"...I don't know how I feel about it. There's times when I hate it... but there have been some good memories of it too." A distant look falls on Inogashira's face.

"Can't really relate with you there. I love the ocean! I remember the last time I went swimming at the beach with my parents and it was... fun..." Onodera's expression falls as well.

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