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Hey everyone! 

Wow. Just. Wow.

When writing this epilogue I felt a real genuine mix of excitement and fear. 

Excitement because... this is it. This is the official end of BTTA. 

Fear because... well... this is the end. An end that has been a looooong time coming (I had a baby who is now a toddler so that was...a lot haha). It's an end I know you guys have waited literal years for (I'm so incredibly sorry!). 

We've had a heck of a lot of ups and downs in this novel, but I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm so thankful to you all and could not have imagined anyone better to come along for the ride. You all continue to remind me, even years on, why I write in the first place. 

So, for the last time in BTTA...I hope you enjoy this chapter, my loves!

❉ s a r a h ❉

⚠️ this chapter is a little dark so may need a trigger warning ⚠️



My stomach lurched at the soft, familiar sound.


I found myself squeezing my eyes shut even tighter than they already were as the warm voice called out my name, my fingers curling into the hard, papery surface beneath me. When the sound faded, I relaxed, the pace of my heart settling again as I silently begged the darkness to swallow me.


I lurched up, my body stiffening as I prepared myself for a fight, my heart hammering wildly in my chest as I took in my surroundings.

Xavier's desk. Pack paperwork. A photo of us.

"You're okay," my hoarse voice cut through the silent room like a knife, and I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Are you?" a new voice gruffly questioned and as it did, I stiffened in my place, my fingers tightening into fists as Damien withdrew from the shadows of the dark office.

"Crazy man," I acknowledged, sighing as I allowed myself to calm down. "It seems I fell asleep. I-I have to get back to work," I stammered, shaking the fog that clouded my mind as I looked to the papers strewn before me.

"No," Damien shook his head, a hint of anger in his tone. "I know you miss him, Ally-"

"Damien don't," I warned with a growl, glaring at him from across the room. He stalked over to the desk and slammed his fist into it, his eyes flashing jet black as he stared at me – challenging me to argue.

"But you can't do this to yourself!" he spat out, his voice low and even as he glowered at me.

I forced back the sob that threatened to erupt from my chest.

When I placed my hand to my heart, Damien's eyes softened and he sighed, slipping into one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk as he ran an anxious hand through his tousled hair.

"I'm empty without him," I whispered after a moment of silence passed between us. I found myself staring at the photo I'd placed on the desk weeks before, my heart aching for the man smiling back at the camera.

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