C27. Rolling in

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Well hello there ;)

Fuck I love you guys. We got to #37 on the "What's Hot" list (u fooking wot m8?!). Your comments have been utterly amazing and I swear I cry with excitement every time I see a new one. This chapter is dedicated to @slothsandbirds for your lovely comment. Thank you so very much.

The image is of how I picture Damien Rivera (Zac Efron). You are totally free to picture him however you'd like to though!

I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think of what's going on and of what you think of the characters 😘


"Do werewolves ever get tired?" I breathlessly laughed, falling back into the bed as I tried to control my laboured breaths. Xavier chuckled and once I flipped onto my side, he pulled me to his body, gently brushing his lips against my forehead. He moved his hand from my waist to my upper arm, gazing down at me with more love than I ever hoped to receive.

"We should probably get back to the real world," I murmured just as his lips closed in on mine. He smirked against my mouth, his hand sliding back down my body to my hip and further still.

"Later," he murmured.

I wasn't prepared to argue with him any time soon.

By the time we decided that we should get up, I was sure it was well past noon. When Xavier released me, I swung my tired legs over the side of the bed and hurried to pull on Xavier's shirt so he wouldn't change his mind and drag me back to bed.

Not that I'd mind anyway.

"You're trying to deter me but you're doing quite the opposite, Alexandra," Xavier spoke up with amusement once I stood and stretched. I turned back to him and shot him a dry look, self-consciously tugging at the bottom of the shirt. Xavier grinned cheekily as he pulled on his discarded jeans.

"I'm hungry," I stated suddenly, my hands touching my stomach when it grumbled. "How long was I out for anyway?" I asked as I stalked to my closet and started rifling through the contents.

"Three days. You healed in two but the human side of you needed more rest. Your body and your mind went through a lot."


"I'm planning on speaking to Juliet about her presence here," Xavier stated and I nodded as I rifled through the contents of my wardrobe. He cleared his throat and continued. "I wanted you to tell me what you thought. You are the Luna of this pack after all."

I froze at his words, my joking demeanor evaporating in a swift second and I was unable to help but feel flattered that he was considering my opinion at all.

I grabbed out a pair of denim, high-waisted shorts and a random tank top, tossing them to the bed as I turned to face him.

"I... I wouldn't mind if she stayed. She did help you and Abigail escape and she is Damien's mate," he stepped closer to me and I quickly stepped into his arms, looking seriously into his eyes. "But if you-"

"No," I shook my head as I looped my arms around his neck. "I trust Damien and so I trust her." He gave me a small smile, reaching up to gently brush his fingers across my cheek.

"She helped me find you," he murmured and I tilted my head to the side in confusion. His hands went to my waist and he pulled me closer to him, briefly pressing his lips to my forehead to hide the anguish in his eyes. "Damien and Juliet met up with us while we were looking for you. That was about the time that we lost your scent. She's unusually perceptive and notices things that even our kind can't and she helped us see your tracks."

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