C16. Should I pee in the woods?

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Dedicated to @Janusha for your wonderful support! Thank you for always voting c:

I hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to let me know what you think by voting and commenting!

Image is of the delicious Damien (Zac Efron)


It took only a few minutes for both Dawn and I to drive to the second pack-house. She guided me to the front door before turning to me with a sympathetic smile, bowing her head slightly.

"I hope you'll find the answers you're after, Ally," she murmured before turning back to the car. I hesitated when she drove away but, with a deep breath, I pushed my way inside the exact replica of the mansion that had burnt down.

The moment I entered and the door swung shut behind me, someone roughly grabbed my elbow and before I could scream, they covered my mouth with their large hand.

"Shut up and be quiet," a deep, familiar voice hissed into my ear as I was thrust against the door I just walked through. As soon as a pair of icy blue eyes captured my gaze, I groaned against the hand, rolling my eyes in annoyance when I realised I was safe. His own eyes narrowed when I relaxed and slowly, he let me go, knowing that I wasn't planning on fighting back.

"What the hell do you want, Damien? Why couldn't you just greet me like a normal person?" I spat out, folding my arms across my chest. He scowled at me, clearly unamused.

"Don't talk to me like that, pet," he snapped, his eyes shifting anxiously around us as soon as he spoke. When he looked back to me, his glare hardened and he sighed, taking a step back as he screwed his nose up in disgust. "By the Goddess you seriously stink," he added and I glowered back,

"Don't call me that!"

"Pet," he repeated with a smirk. As soon as he said it, I pushed my body off the wall and prepared to stalk passed him.

When I moved, he shoved me against the hard surface again, using his palms to press against both of my shoulders as he gazed seriously down at me.

"Listen," he barked, his voice low. All sign of hostility left his face in a second as he looked at me and my heart began to erratically thump inside my ribcage when I realised that, whatever it was he wanted to talk to me about, must have been serious.

"I'm listening," I murmured back when he made no move to continue speaking.

"I need you to do something for me," I cocked an eyebrow at his words, I small smirk appearing on my lips.

"You need me, a mere human, to do something for you?" I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief. "Usually, when you want someone to do something, you don't call them names, CrazyMan." When I insulted him, he pushed away from me and screwed his nose up again, his eyes narrowing with annoyance.


"Ally," I corrected harshly, hating the way my name sounded coming from him.


"You really need to work on your listening skills-"

"Would you shut up!" he angrily snapped, his eyes flashing black as he spoke. I couldn't but shrink back as they did and I had a feeling that whatever had just happened with his eyes, had something to do with his nature as a werewolf.

As soon as Damien yelled out, he shut his eyes tightly and inhaled slowly, opening them a few seconds later.

"I just need you to make sure you don't mention anything to Xavier about me saving you the other night. Keep that between us," he muttered lowly, again cautiously glancing at our surroundings.

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