C1. Freaks

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Hey everyone!

Before you begin this book, I'd just like to first ask you guys to go read my other novel "Damien & Juliet". It's a prequel and a sequel to this one and it fills in holes you'll find throughout here!

Nevertheless, if you continue to read this one, I hope you guys enjoy it and choose to leave little votes and comments throughout. I love to hear from you and along with that, the more support I receive, the quicker I upload these chapters.

Image is of how I picture Alexandra Grace [a.k.a. Ally] (Selena Gomez).


~Sarah x


The moment the first sliver of light invaded the room, my eyes snapped open, a shiver running down my spine as the arm draped across my bare waist flexed so the hold it had on me was tighter. I carefully wiggled out of the embrace and hurried to bounce out of the bed and change into the items of clothing I'd recklessly discarded last night.

Without so much of a glance in the direction of the naked man sprawled across the king-sized mattress in the middle of the room, I rushed out of the house, scurrying to my motorbike as the sunrise started to illuminate the quiet, sleeping street. I slipped onto the seat and started it up, quickly speeding off when the loud engine roared to life. For a total of ten minutes and thirty-four seconds I rode in silence with the newly risen sun warming my back; almost like the giant ball of gas was praising me on my well executed escape.

When I arrived home, I parked my bike in the open shed and then climbed up the large oak tree to the side of the house, easily dropping from one of the branches into my room before I closed the window behind me. As soon as I fell backwards onto my bed, I finally let myself close my eyes and breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Another mission successful," I congratulated myself in a whisper as I slowly drifted off to sleep once again.

A few hours after my escape, I had completely changed clothes, straightened my previously unruly brown hair and applied a thin layer of make up to my face. I was now making my way through the halls of Preachwood High School, my blonde best friend clinging to my arm as we maneuvered through the oncoming crowd of people.

"Are you even listening to me, Ally?" a melodic, irritated sounding voice pierced through my jumbled thoughts, prompting me to look into the bright, icy blue eyes of the girl beside me.


"Seriously?" Jessica sighed in annoyance, "I asked what happened when you told your Dad you were done with your weird martial arts hobby," she repeated the words I'd ignored before.

"Oh, yeah," I shrugged and unconsciously shot a flirty grin at a random guy passing us by. "He actually didn't care too much. Apparently he never expected me to continue with these stupid competitions; as long as I got a black belt like she did, he was happy." Without needing to think about it, my fingers softly touched the antique pocket watch pendant hanging from my neck; a habit I exercised whenever I thought about my mother.

"Well that's good, right? You were pretty stressed about it yesterday," Jessica murmured almost dejectedly. I didn't bother asking her why she sounded so miserable about it. I knew she didn't care too much for me and knowing her she probably would've been perfectly happy to see me squirm.

Jessica Peters may be my best friend, but that didn't mean I actually liked her. She was cold, quiet and unfriendly and I was confident, loud and flirty. We fell on complete opposite ends of the spectrum but it was because of that same reason that we essentially were forced to be friends.

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