C21. Three little words

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"She wasnt exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way."

― Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven

~Sarah x


"Alexandra," his voice called, gently coaxing me back to reality. I blinked at the dark, blurry figure crouching in front of me and I hurried to wipe away my tear-stained cheeks with my trembling fingers.

"Sorry," I blurted out and forced a smile, frantically trying to regain my composure when I finally realised that I was, without a doubt, embarrassing Xavier in front of his friends and allies. He frowned at me when I bounced up and as he watched me, I couldn't help but avoid looking at the empty space where Theodore had been when he declared war against Xavier's pack because of me. 

"He's gone," Xavier spoke, gently touching my cheek with his fingertips. I instantly melted at his safe, comforting touch and unconsciously leant into him as I gazed into those conflicted grey eyes of his.

"Why'd you let him go? He declared war against us, didn't he?"

"We have rules of war we must follow. Besides, he declared war against me, not my pack. No one else will be involved."

"I don't understand," I quietly admitted, my eyes flittering to the people crowding the door –all silently watching us interact.

Surprisingly no one seemed angry with me and for some reason, kindness seemed to seep from the bodies of those watching.

-Long ago it was agreed that, to avoid unnecessary deaths of our kind, a challenge between Alpha's will remain between Alpha's. Unlike humans, we do not involve anyone else. Theodore challenged me the moment he touched you -

"But why do you train everyone in your pack to fight then?" I asked, lowering my voice so that those around me couldn't hear.

-An entire pack can agree to challenge another pack for territory. This is obviously reason for most members of a pack to be involved and fight for their homes. We need to be prepared in case something like that happens. In this circumstance however, this wouldn't be the case. Don't worry, you will be safe, Alexandra. I will not let that bastard touch you again.-

"I'll be safe?" I repeated in a whisper, my brows furrowing together as I thought over what Xavier just said. "I'll be safe?!" I shoved at his chest, a sudden burst of anger bubbling up inside me. All feelings of fear and uncertainty flew out the window as I comprehended Xavier's words and with all the strength I had, I shoved at his chest again.

Everyone scurried back inside before I could shove him again.

"What about you?!" I shouted, tears filling my eyes when his expression softened and he grabbed my hands; stopping me from hitting him any further. "What about you, Xavier?" I murmured, letting him pull me into his arms.

"I'll be safe. This isn't the first time I've had to do this, Alexandra. Haven't you ever wondered why people seem afraid of me? Or why I can be so indifferent to people...to you?" his voice was soft as he spoke and he gentle embrace was impossibly softer.

"What if you get hurt? What'll happen then? What if you..." I trailed off, swallowing the lump rapidly forming in my throat. I didn't need his words to confirm that this fight would probably be fatal.

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