C26. Working their magic

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You guys are so fucking awesome. So many of you made an effort to comment on my last chapter and so I've decided that yet another early update is deserved. Along with that you've placed 'Bound To The Alpha' at #47 of the "What's Hot" list and I don't think I've ever been more excited!

Now, this chapter is dedicated to  @skazi30 -your comment was really lovely on the last chapter so thank you for that!

Oh! Sexual content warning. I don't think it's really bad but I thought I'd throw this little caution in anyway.

Anyway! The image is of Xavier (Mariano Di Vaio).


As soon as my body permitted, I jolted up and awake, wincing at the stiffness in my joints. I hurried to throw off the blankets covering me and scrambled to lift my shirt, a strangled sigh leaving my lips when I could see a pink, jagged scar right by my belly-button.

It wasn't a dream. I disappointedly thought. I really, actually killed someone.

But I'm okay. I'm alive and I'm okay. You had to do it.

You had to.

I practically chanted those three words to myself, eventually choosing to focus on the room around me rather than the memories threatening to flood my thoughts. When I looked to the chair resting by the window, a small smile spread across my lips and, making sure I kept quiet, I gently slid out of bed and tiptoed over to the large body sleeping soundly –my eyes hungrily roaming over his obviously tired face.

'I fucking love you too', the words Xavier spoke before I fell unconscious, interrupted my thoughts and my goofy grin grew impossibly wider. When I was right in front of him, I knelt down, the grin disappearing from my lips when I noticed his dishevelled appearance.

He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

As I struggled to decide if I should wake him or not, a small knock sounded at the door and immediately Xavier's eyes snapped open. Straight away he looked down at me, his eyes widening in surprise and relief when he saw me kneeling by him. I felt my cheeks heat up at the embarrassment of being caught watching him but, as he grabbed me and pulled me into his lap, I realised he didn't seem to mind.

"Alexandra," he brokenly whispered as his nose buried into my neck. I felt his shaky breath caress my skin and when he let out a deep breath, I couldn't help but smile, my fingers threading through his soft hair.

Briefly, he pulled away, his eyes anxiously studying my face for a second, and then, without warning, his lips smashed against my own. My head swam at the intensity of our kiss but, nevertheless, I still managed to kiss him back just as passionately, the feelings I'd locked up for so long seeping into my actions.

"I love you –you know that, right?" he murmured when we finally pulled apart, his forehead coming to rest against my own. My heart soared at those three little words and I couldn't stop the large smile forming on my face.

"I love you too," I earnestly replied and I finally got to see the grin I'd longed for.

Again someone knocked.

I sighed and before I could slide off Xavier's lap, his grip tightened and he shook his head, his expression serious.

"No way. You aren't going anywhere," he stated with a growl. I decided not to argue and instead placed my cheek against his shoulder, burying my nose into his neck like he usually did to me. My eyes fluttered shut as a sense of security washed over me.

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