C29. Part of the pack

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Okay so Alexandra has just been rescued from the Hunters compound. Xavier and Alexandra did the deed *wink wink* and Ally kinda had a little breakdown (we've all been there). Xavier is preparing for a war against Theodore (Isabella's brother and the guy who tried to forcefully claim Ally) and Xavier is also preparing for war against the Hunters (the guys who believe Ally had something to do with the death of their leader, Lisa).

At the moment Ally is putting on a brave face (even though she did just figure out who killed her mother {Catherine}. She's also finally remembering her mum too so that's a little upsetting for her. Personally I think she's being too tough and should just tell Xavier how she really feels already because we all know that she'd feel better after actually talking about it but *sigh*, what can I do? I'm merely the writer :( smh).

All our favourite characters (excluding Damien & Juliet), have just been training together. Ally got a little jealous of Xavier and Abigail but then Lukas (the Alpha that Xavier introduced Ally to at the party {where she was introduced to the pack} as one of his closest friends) distracted her. Xavier got jealous and punched Lukas and Lukas, being the larrikin that he is, just laughed (which was fucking hot if you ask me).

And, fiiiiinally, we're at the part where Xavier is heading inside to meet with a mystery man and Ally is asking Lukas for a big ass favour that will be revealed in approximately a minute and a half.


Gif is of the beautiful Xavier Rivera (Mariano Di Vaio).


"Well I certainly wasn't expecting that," Lukas muttered, scratching at his head as he thought about what I'd just proposed. His gaze met mine and I offered him a small, half smile. "He'll kill me if he found out," Lukas added and I sighed, cautiously casting a glance at the werewolves training around us.

"Which is why he won't find out," I assured him.

"It's dangerous."

"It is," I immediately agreed, bobbing my head. "But so is the alternative."


"I'm not going to risk the lives of these people," I interjected, staring seriously at Lukas. "They've done more than enough for me."

"You could die," Lukas added, raising an eyebrow as he gazed evenly back at me. "You know what that would do to Xavier, right?"

"Which is why I want you to train me. Theodore won't expect a half-human like me to know anything so when I fight him -which will happen even if you don't train me- I'll catch him off guard. He may be an Alpha, but he's still a man and an arrogant man is a weak one."

Lukas hesitated a moment, taking a second to study me. Then, he sighed and nodded, finally relenting. "Okay. I don't know how we'll keep it from him, but... okay." I grinned up at him at that, laughing when he rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair. "Xavier asked me to stay at the pack house and help train his pack for two weeks. I won't be here for long so you'll be training every day and we'll still need a place to privately practice. You'll also need to keep up with your usual training as well."

I nodded.

"Is it okay for you to be gone from your pack for so long?" I then softly asked, tilting my head to the side.

"I owe Xavier a favour. It's not unusual for an Alpha to leave their pack for a few weeks at a time," he coolly shrugged in response.

"Okay... well I'll find a place and I'll work hard to keep up with all training sessions," I promised Lukas with a small, relieved smile.

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