C25. I'd lick those abs

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Okay! This is an early update! I know, I know. I'm fucking awesome ;) haha I hope you guys enjoy it but, I'm gonna be honest and say that if you're as emotional as me, you're probably gonna be in a flood of tears by the end of it. Can't say I didn't warn ya ;)

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks for getting us to #52 on the "What's Hot" list everyone. Totally awesome news

Dedicated to lolleelove for your wonderful support. You've been an absolutely beautiful reader and supporter throughout this novel. Thank you so, so much!

The image above is of how I picture Ally (Selena Gomez).


I wasn't sure how much time had passed but I knew that, without a doubt, I would've been sitting in the cold cell alone and shivering for a few hours at the least.

Where the hell are Damien and Juliet? I thought to myself, keeping my eyes focused on the same spot on the floor I'd been looking at since I got in here. Almost as soon as the thought crossed my mind, I heard the sound of the heavy metal door opening.

"We're going," Damien muttered lowly, obviously cautious.

"Now? Really?" I looked up to him, my eyebrows raising when he held up a set of keys and unlocked the prison door. He quickly strode to me and unlocked my handcuffs, ignoring the sigh of relief that left my lips as the cool metal fell from my wrists.

"We need to hurry. Xavier is distracting the Hunters but they'll retreat soon."

"Xavier is here?" my heart sped up and a goofy grin spread across my lips just as Damien took my arm and pulled me up. He gently pushed against the small of my back, encouraging me forward.

"Yeah," I could hear the smile in his voice. "I was a little worried he thought you were serious. I misjudged the strength of your bond," Damien moved in front of me, leading me out of the prison and down the halls I'd been dragged through hours before. "This distraction was more than Juliet and I could've hoped for."

"I thought you might've been lying when you said you'd get me out," I chuckled softly, more to myself than to him. He gave me a side glance, showing me he wasn't amused. 

"If it wasn't for Juliet, I'd definitely leave you here," he teased and I rolled my eyes, sticking my back to steel walls just like he did.

"Yeah, yeah. You know, you don't have to pretend you hate me anymore. I know you have a soft spot for your brother's little mate," I grinned at his back, giggling softly when, over his shoulder, he briefly rolled his eyes.

"Ever since meeting you I've found myself actually feeling bad for him," Damien teased again and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Where's your mate anyway?" I asked as we ventured down yet another empty hallway.

"She's got Abigail. They're waiting for us in the basement. You and Abigail will take the tunnels out of here and go from there. Juliet and I have to grab a few things before we leave."

"Okay," I nodded in understanding just as we started climbing the stairs leading down into what I assumed was the basement. When Damien opened the squealing, rusty door, he ushered me inside, casting a cautious glance up the stairs as I brushed past him before closing it behind us.

Before I could turn to the room, I heard a squeak of excitement and immediately a warm body attacked me, hugging me closely as they breathed out in relief.

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