C3. Mafia, maybe?

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Image is of Gabriel Smith (Paul Wesley).

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"You walked all the way to the waterfall?" I questioned when it grew dark. We'd been walking for an hour at the very least and I was growing increasingly tired. So far everyone had ignored any attempt I'd made at conversation and my inactive mind was beginning to prompt my body to feel hunger and fatigue. In total I had slept five hours over the course of two days and that too was starting to become evident in my gradually decreasing pace.

Surprisingly no one tried to hurry me along.

"No. We had other methods of travelling but because you're here we've had to improvise."

"Weren't you prepared to come get me anyway?" I asked quietly, remembering the conversation my father had with the man over the phone.

"We were prepared to pick you up later tonight but you ran away so we had to push our plan forward."

"But you've been in town all day, haven't you?" I aimed my question at Xavier's back, groaning when the hard surface of it suddenly slammed into my face.

"How did you know that?" he brashly asked, whipping around to face me. I felt my cheeks heat up when I realised the answer I had to that question was stupid.

"Uh... just a feeling?" I offered a vague response which ended up being half swallowed by a yawn. Xavier raised an eyebrow, his features now barely visible in the moonlight. A second later, he swooped down and picked me up like a prince would a princess, immediately striding towards our unknown destination.

The moment his bare skin touched my own, I jolted and yet again my body shook with pleasure. Fireworks seemed to dance along my skin at his touch and I struggled to supress the moan that threatened to escape from my lips.

"If you say a single word, I'll drop you to the ground. You're walking too slow and I'd like to be back before noon tomorrow," he ground out painfully, the sound of his voice vibrating through his chest and against my side. Why did he have to make it sound like it physically hurt for him to touch me?

As soon as he spoke, I clamped my mouth shut and desperately attempted to ignore the sound of my thumping heart.

"Go to sleep. We'll be home when you wake up," Xavier murmured. At his words, my eyes fluttered shut on their own accord and I willingly did as he asked.

I wasn't sure how long I slept for but when I finally woke, I realised I was still in Xavier's arms and we were still walking. I could hear the mumbled voices of those around me and, keeping my eyes closed, I decided to listen in.

"She's strong," the man I'd recognised as the leader in the clearing spoke up from beside me, his tone of voice softer than it had been a few hours ago.

"She'll only be difficult," Xavier stated.

"She's beautiful," the man teasingly replied. I felt the rumble of Xavier's chest once the man spoke, the sound coming from Xavier sounding strangely animalistic. "What're you going to do with her when all this is over?" he asked, easily changing the subject.

"Everyone is to continue following the original plan," Xavier simply replied.

"What? We can't just let her go! They'll kill her and you know it. She's your-"

"Alexandra is nothing to me," Xavier swiftly cut in, "and she's awake so think carefully about anything else you say," he finished and at his words my cheeks grew hot.

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