C36. A fitting end

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Chapter 36:

"Alexandra, what are you doing?" Xavier sighed, his footsteps heavy against the tiles as he followed after me.

"We have to end this. I'm done playing games. I'm done with these people," I stoically responded, bursting into the room I was now used to finding.

To think there was a point in time I struggled to find my way around the pack mansion. Now I knew its' layout like the back of my hand. I immediately stalked to Xavier's desk, taking a seat in his usual chair before reaching out to grab the phone. Xavier instantly covered my hand with his own, his grey eyes swirling apprehensively as he watched me.

"You do this and you'll start a war, Alexandra. Nathan may be a-"

"Scumbag who tried to kidnap your brother's mate so he could take over the freaking world?" I sarcastically offered, withdrawing from Xavier's touch to fold my arms across my chest.

I was over this - I was over it all.

"I don't disagree. But he's also the Alpha of a very powerful pack - of your pack," Xavier continued and at his words I felt my frown deepening.

"My pack?" I repeated slowly, trying to decipher what he meant by that. Xavier nodded his head, moving to kneel beside me. He then spun the chair so I was facing him and I swallowed when I saw how serious his grey eyes were. 

"Your pack. The Alpha title is handed down from generation to generation. It's only when an Alpha leaves no heir, or the heir is too young, that the title goes to the nearest family member or down to the Beta. Technically when your father died, you gained the right to become the Luna. You still have that right." 

"But I'm already a Luna. I'm your Luna," I found myself muttering. 

"You are," he nodded his head, abruptly standing up before turning to the window. He peered out into the empty darkness, his expression alert and focused. 

By now Isaac and his fellow Hunters and anyone involved would've been shown to their respective rooms and would be getting much needed rest. I was sure that tomorrow, many conversations regarding tonights incident would be had. 

The entire mansion and its' surroundings were eerily quiet. 

Almost too quiet

"But that pack is still rightfully yours. Those people are your people. If you start a war, it's a war we probably would win, but some of our people will die and so will some of yours. I trust you and so if this is what you decide to do, I'll trust that it's in the best interest of our pack, but I really think we should discuss this with Damien and Juliet first."

"You think we should consult someone else? That doesn't sound like the Xavier I know," my eyebrows creased together as I felt anxiety begin to seep in. 

Xavier was always confident in his decisions. To ask someone else meant that he was afraid. 

And if he was afraid, we definitely had something to worry about. 

"Okay," I finally agreed, knowing that, realistically, we should speak to them first anyway. It was Juliet who Nathan wanted, after all. "You should've seen her, Xavier. She was-" I shook my head, trying to find the words to explain what I'd seen. "She's extremely powerful. I've never seen anything like it."

"I know. Damien filled me in. Apparently she's got the blood of a Goddess so I'm not surprised. I'm just surprised I never sensed it. She is still predominately a human though. Her abilities almost killed her tonight - I have no doubt if she used them again, she'd die."

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