C13. I like you

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Dedicated to @ashbear327 for your constant votes. I really appreciate your support! x


I didn't know how much time passed as I cried in front of the raging fire, but I did know that I really wasn't handling the situation well.

I liked him. I decided, finally comprehending the feelings I had for him. And now he's gone. Just like everyone else.

"Alexandra," a soft voice murmured and as soon as I heard the sound, I froze. "Alexandra, are you okay?" he whispered again, his voice coming from right before me. When he spoke for a second time, I looked up through watery eyes, another sob escaping my lips when I saw Xavier crouched down in front of me, his grey eyes concerned and sad as he gazed into my eyes; clearly unsure as to if he should touch me or not.

Before I could even realise what I was doing, I launched into his arms, knocking him backwards onto the grass. The fire still nipped at my skin, but I ignored the pain and pressed my cheek into his chest as I cried harder than I did before.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I cried, my heart expanding when I realised and believed Xavier truly was alive. He was here and he was okay.

"Why are you so close to the fire, Alexandra?" he asked, sitting up so his back was to the fire and I was in his lap. I shook my head and buried my face into his neck, unable to stop myself from crying.

"You were in there. I thought -I thought you were in there," I blubbered ridiculously, no longer caring about how pathetic I sounded. He sighed softly, wrapping his arms around me a second later.

"I'm okay. We need to get out of here though. I don't want you injured anymore than you already are," when I made no move to release my hold on him, he easily lifted the both of us up. When he held me in his arms, I buried my head into his chest to hide my face from the people we walked passed.

We walked for a few minutes in silence and when we stopped, I finally looked up from his chest. I frowned at the door of a house I'd never seen before and cast a questioning glance to Xavier. He simply gave me a half smile, as he waited with me in his arms.

Barely a minute passed before the door flew open and a middle-aged woman ushered the both of us inside and into what seemed to be the lounge room, her hands fluttering about my body worriedly.

"Is she okay? Has she been hurt?" the woman asked, her sparkling, kind green eyes wide with anxiety.

"I don't think so," Xavier gazed down at me and attempted to set me on the couch. I hurriedly tightened my hold around his neck and once again I buried my face into his chest. I squeezed him tighter, expecting him to grow frustrated with me, but, rather than do so, he chuckled with the woman, taking a seat before adjusting me so I was comfortable in his lap.

"What happened, Xavier?" the woman asked softly. I felt Xavier press his lips to the top of my hair and I shivered at the feeling the touch of his skin brought me. He chuckled again, his chest rumbling with the sound.

"I'm not sure. I was out for a run to clear my head but ten minutes into it Gabriel linked with me telling me about the explosion. Then he told me that she was running towards the fire..." he sighed, and touched my hair with his lips again, taking a deep, shaky breath.

"So this is her? Your mate?" the woman spoke again and I heard her take a seat on one of the spare couches. When Xavier hesitantly nodded, she laughed happily. "The entire pack has heard about her strength. I mean, fighting off a Rogue on her own? Incredible. Dealing with you on the other hand... It appears she's achieved the impossible," the woman laughed light-heartedly and although I had my eyes closed, I cracked a small smile. Xavier laughed at her words as well.

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