C20. This means war

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Hey hey!

I hope you enjoy! The image above is of Ally's outfit but you're free to picture it however you want.

I decided to hang back in Xavier's office and finish off the book I'd been reading the other day; my mind at peace as his familiar, perfect and subtle scent lingered in the room. Once I finished the book, I placed it back in the shelf and somehow made it back to my temporary room in the mansion; the faint sounds of people working below me enough to make me nervous.

I slowly entered my room, not all too surprised to already find an outfit spread out for me on the bed. Gently, I grabbed the bright red dress and took it, along with the undergarments Abigail readied for me, to the bathroom. I hurried to shower and then I changed into the strapless, red dress that had been prepared for me.

I wiped down the mirror and looked straight to my hair, taking it out of the pony-tail I'd had it in before shaking my head so the wavy mess would fall around my shoulders. I gently pulled my fingers through it and easily decided that I wouldn't do anything more to it. With a small sigh I leant down and opened the cabinet, unsurprised to find a makeup case ready for me to use.

I've definitely become far too used to having Abigail around.

My makeup took a little longer than usual as, for the first time since being here, I decided that I'd go for something bold. Once I had finished applying ruby red lipstick, I went back to my room, my eyes flickering to the little alarm clock sitting on the bedside table as I slipped on the heels Abigail had placed by the door.

You can do this, Ally. I mean, it's not like you're heading into the lion's den, right? Just a lounge room filled with hundreds of wolves with teeth and sharp-

Shaking my head, I cleared my mind of all thoughts, pulling open the door to the room when I had finally calmed down enough to face everyone. Once I opened it, my heart thumped wildly inside of my chest as Xavier stared back at me, his gaze roaming over my face and down my body before he finally looked back up to me with black eyes.

"You... you look-" he frowned at me and before I could say another word, one of his hands went to the back of my head. Then, without warning, he pulled me towards him, his mouth feverishly working against mine. I could practically feel what he felt as we kissed and when he finally pulled away, the both of us were panting from the intensity of it.

"Beautiful. You look beautiful," he finished, just as I reached up to touch my tingling lips.

Thank god for long-lasting lipstick. I internally thought, a small smile making its way to my face when Xavier gently took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers.

Slowly, we made our way through the halls and to the top of the stairs. I slight gasp left my lips when my eyes found a sea of people standing around in the foyer below us and when Xavier lightly squeezed my hand, everyone suddenly stopped speaking and turned to us, their eyes all widening in surprise when they noticed me.

Xavier's hand moved to the small of my back, guiding me forward while he simultaneously provided me with the support I needed.

­­-They can hear your heartbeat, Alexandra-

I stiffened when his voice echoed throughout my head and then desperately attempted to calm my racing heart.

Eventually, somehow I managed to reach the bottom of the stairs and when I did, people immediately bowed their heads.

When Xavier bowed his head back, I hastily did the same thing, looking up to the crowd when he gently squeezed my waist.

"Thank you all for coming," he spoke with confidence, his eyes shining as he gazed around the room. "I hope you all enjoy the party."

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