C15. Rest In Peace

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Dedicated to @YolandaFields-Carlton for your lovely support and votes! Thank you so much for reading! c:

I hope you guys enjoy! This chapter reveals quite a bit ;)

Don't forget to leave that vote and comment! Thank you all so much for getting me to #535!

The image above is of how I picture Ally Grace! You may, however, picture her as you please :)

When I finally recovered from the passionate kiss Xavier and I had shared, I proceeded to the bathroom and showered before dawdling to the kitchen for breakfast. As soon as I opened the door I was greeted with the wonderful scent of toast and bacon.

"Morning," I greeted Dawn with a smile, taking a seat at the dining table when she spun around with plates full of food in her hands. She beamed back at me and dashed over, placing one of the plates in front of me before taking a seat on the other side of the table.

"How did you sleep?" she asked softly, already digging in. I tenderly picked up my fork as she spoke and scooped a bite of the breakfast she'd prepared into my mouth.

"I slept really well actually," I told her truthfully, already feeling the back of my neck heat up as a blush started to cover my cheeks.

Last night, after the strangely familiar nightmare I had, I had the best night's sleep ever with Xavier beside me.

Psychologically I knew it was because of the weird bond we shared, but my heart still thumped a little more fiercely whenever I thought about the way it felt to be in his arms.

"That's so good to hear!" Dawn exclaimed, beaming back at me.

"Thank you so much for having me here on such short notice by the way! I'm so sorry for being so intrusive," I apologised earnestly.

"No, no! It's perfectly okay! Xavier and Damien have always been like sons to me so I would happily do anything to help them out in any way," she kindly stated and at her words, I cocked my head to the side.

"Like sons?" I echoed and she nodded vigorously.

"Ever since their parents died, I looked after the both of them. They were quite the handful but they are good boys. I'd be proud to call them my own." Despite the affection in her voice, my heart clenched painfully.

Both of his parents were gone? Why didn't he ever tell me?

Then again. I thought, stopping myself with a resigned sigh. I haven't told him too much either.

"You look surprised," Dawn stated before finishing off her meal. I shrugged, pushing away my own plate as I leant forward.

"I didn't know about his parents. We haven't really talked much about his personal life just yet," I admitted and she sighed sadly, nodding her head in understanding.

"I suppose I should've known. Both the Rivera boys are closed off. Well... what about your family, dear? I'm sure they've missed you," she murmured and once again my heart clenched uncomfortably. When the brief moment of pain her words brought me subsided, I felt my eyebrows shoot up in confusion as I fully comprehended her words.

"Wait... you don't know?"

"About what?" she frowned, her forehead crinkling up.

"About my mother...? She was killed six years ago," when she didn't reply and pity shone in her eyes, I continued, growing even more confused.

Why would his own Aunt not know about me?

"Your pack bought me for information," I pressed onwards. "You really don't know?" I leant back, letting out a long breath of air. As soon as I did, Dawn groaned and the look in her eyes became weary and she brought a shaky hand to her head.

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