C34. A trap

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Hey, hey, hey!

I hope you're all having a marvellous day!

Sorry for the lateness and the mild shortness of it -I've been relatively busy working on 'Damien & Juliet' in an effort to have it catch up with 'BTTA'.

Enjoy! :)


The moment I saw Xavier, I launched myself at his body, the tears I'd managed to push back when his trackers found me with Jessica, now cascading down my cheeks.

"I couldn't save her," I whispered, burying my face into his neck as he lifted me up.

"It's not your fault, Alexandra," he softly replied, holding me tightly in his arms. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but I easily ignored them, trying to control my silent sobs.

I wanted to be strong and show everyone that I didn't fear death, but I was scared.

Scared for Juliet, scared for Abigail and scared for me.

It took a few minutes for me to calm down and when I did, I stepped away from Xavier and dragged my sleeve across my nose in an effort to wipe away the drying trail of tears. Then, I offered him a wavering smile while I drew in a deep, slow breath.

"Can you tell Damien to meet us at the pack house?" I murmured, glancing nervously at the wolves who had surrounded us, protecting us from the unclaimed territory I'd stumbled into. At my request, Xavier frowned but nodded, gently taking my arm before he peered over my shoulder to one of the wolves behind me.

Vigilantly, he guided me back to his territory and the moment we stepped over the border, the ache in my chest vanished and I felt relieved to be back home –to be safe.

When his hand suddenly grabbed my own and his fingers intertwined with mine, my body jerked with shock but a small smile slipped onto my lips at the soothing contact between us.

It didn't take long for us to get back to the pack house and when we did, I was unsurprised to see that Damien was already waiting outside for us with his arms folded across his chest, his usually cold expression now a mask of worry.

"Are you okay, Ally?" he asked as he stepped out from where he lent against the back door, his light blue eyes serious as he eyed me.

"I'm fine," I replied softly, awkwardly clearing my throat as I cast a glance at the men who'd shifted back in the forest and changed before I could notice. "I need to talk to you and Xavier... alone," I muttered and Damien immediately stiffened, looking to his brother. Xavier quietly squeezed my hand and with his other, he gestured for Damien to move inside.

Without arguing, Damien led the way, automatically jogging up the staircase and toward Xavier's office. As soon as we got inside the room and Xavier shut the door closed behind us, I bit down on my lip and spun around to look at the two men.

"Whoever killed Jessica left a note," I stated, swallowing any concerns I had about telling them.

I knew had to tell them this. It'd be stupid to keep it from them –especially when it wasn't my life that was in danger.

Damien and Xavier's eyebrows flew up at my words and when I gazed into Xavier's, familiar grey eyes, I could see uneasiness swirling within them.

"It said that if I didn't meet with them at midnight tonight, they- they-" my gaze flickered to meet Damien's blue eyes. He frowned when I looked to him and visibly tensed, expecting the worst. "They said they'll kill her," I finished quietly and Damien's lips twisted into a scowl.

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