C19. Mine

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Hey everyone! Sorry this is a bit of a late update, I've just been super busy lately! I am back now though, so hopefully the updates will go back to being twice a week, however, if they don't I hope you continue to support me. I'm not giving up on this book any time soon though; that I promise you.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of you guys. Not only have I somehow accumulated over 18,000 reads, but I've also made it to #223 on the What's Hot list which is so amazing. Thank you all for your support; you're all incredible people!

Don't forget to vote and comment for the next chapter :)



The second I stepped into the clearing in the middle of the woods, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and my chest squeezed when I realised that the eyes of a hundred people were on me in an instant.

"Every member of my pack is required to train for an hour every second day -children and their mothers excluded of course," Xavier muttered from my side, supporting me as I tried to confidently stride towards the crowd. Our shoulders brushed as we walked towards the parting crowd and it was only that light touch that encouraged me to step forward.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, Alexandra?" Xavier uncertainly whispered, casting a quick glance to the many people who were now surrounding us.

We continued to slowly circle each other, both of us fully alert as we prepared to fight.

I swallowed, my eyes unwillingly flitting to his large arm muscles before they trailed down to his abs which, thankfully, were hidden beneath his shirt.

"Yeah," I finally confidently nodded, looking back up to his face with a half smile. I heard the people around us murmur questions –asking one other why their Alpha was preparing to fight some random half human.

Well I assumed they were asking that anyway.

"Alexandra will be my training partner for today," Xavier shouted out and the murmurs immediately subsided.

Taking in a deep breath, I decided to study him and when I noticed his body stiffen, I stepped to the side, easily dodging his attack. His lips quirked upwards when he turned to face me again and in response I grinned, preparing to attack him myself. Just as I thrust my fist towards his face, he grabbed my hand and twisted my arm around to which I instantly responded and elbowed him in the cheek with my free arm.

He immediately released me and hurriedly ducked down to dodge my roundhouse kick. As soon as I executed the attack, he swept my legs out from underneath me and as soon as I fell to the ground, he pounced on top of me, his hands immediately going around my neck as he straddled me. Hesitation flickered behind his eyes and he frowned seriously, refusing to apply pressure.

"Shit," he swore, his gaze softening immensely.

"Stop," I sighed, pushing his body off of me. He easily fell backwards and sat on the grass, angrily running a hand through his hair. "This isn't going to prove anything. We're both holding back, Xavier," I stood just as he did and folded my arms across my chest, raising an eyebrow when his shoulders stiffened.


"I didn't say anything," I spoke out loud, grinning when he scowled at me.

-No, Alexandra-

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