C2. Screw you

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Image is of how I picture Xavier Rivera (Mariano Di Vaio). 

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Almost as soon as I vigorously knocked on Brody's door, he answered, his forehead creasing in confusion as I barged inside, my hand flying to my chest in an attempt to calm my racing heart.

"I need to stay here for a few days," I stated emotionlessly, being careful not to reveal any of the uncertainty I was really feeling.

"What? Why?" he questioned, his hands quickly moving to rest on my shoulders as he gazed into my face. I shook his hands away and folded my arms across my chest, biting down on my lip as I gazed carefully back at him.

"Dad and I are fighting," I easily lied.

I didn't know why I lied, but at that moment it felt like I couldn't complete trust him. Knowing Brody, he'd probably turn me for a small share of the cash if he knew the real reason. A dubious expression clouded his face before he nodded. While I knew I couldn't stay here long because my Dad -or that man- would quickly find me; this place was far better than the streets.

"You want to go to our place? Clear your head a bit?" he offered, pulling out his set of car keys from his pocket. I hesitantly nodded, not bothering to argue with him when he said 'our place'. The small waterfall he referred to was an isolated location by a large field he took all his hook-ups before me. I had no doubt he's taken Jessica there too.

It didn't take long for us to leave the house and another twenty minutes of silent driving later, we finally reached the edge of a forest. Brody quickly parked the car and as he got out, so did I. We quietly walked through the forest, pushing away the branches on the rarely travelled road.

"You know, you're a terrible liar," Brody stated suddenly, pausing in front of me just as we were about to pull away the branches revealing the pond. I could already hear the soft sounds of the waterfall.

"What're you talking about?" I asked, unable to help the irritation I felt from seeping into my words. When he turned around, I instantly backed away, realising that the look he was giving me was the look I'd imagine a predator would give its prey when it went in for the kill.

"We both know why it is you came to me, Ally. Unfortunately, I can't help you out. You see, ten thousand in cold, hard cash is far better than anything you could've offered," he stated, flashing me a triumphant grin. I heaved out a long sigh, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Do you honestly think you could take me, Brody?" I offered him my own sarcastic smile. "We both know that I'm stronger and faster than you could ever be." When he chuckled darkly and looked over my shoulder, my heart fell to the pit of my stomach.

Before I had the chance to run, two, large hands gripped my arms tightly. It didn't take me long to realise that there was no way I'd escape. Whoever held me was, without a doubt, well trained and strong and was holding me in such a way that I would never have the upper hand.

Within seconds I was dragged into the clearing by the waterfall and forced to my knees in front of the man I'd once considered father. I kept my head up as he looked down at me with a snarl and when he raised his hand to slap me, I didn't flinch.

Before he could smack his palm across my face, a loud voice spoke up, forcing him to stop.

"She is not to be harmed," the deep, authoritative voice boomed. As the unknown man spoke, I felt the sudden presence of a number of people emerge from the forest behind me.

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