C9. Murderer

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So... I caved and wrote another chapter hahaha

Obviously this is yet another early update. You guys have just been so amazing towards this book and towards me that I just couldn't help it. Honestly, your comments are so uplifting and every day when I read what you guys have to say, my day is instantly brighter! Thank you all so much. I hope you enjoy! :) x


"How the hell do you not have ice-cream?" I shouted out, fumbling desperately through their freezer as I searched for the only beautiful dessert that could make all my troubles disappear.

"We don't usually stock unhealthy foods," Abigail teasingly replied from where she sat on the counter. I heard a crunch and without needing to look around, I knew she was purposely emphasising her point by biting into an apple.

"So what you're saying is that I've been kidnapped by crazy people?" I teased her right back as I continued to ransack the freezer, a little grin spreading across my lips when she giggled.

"Normal people would've labelled us crazy days ago," she retorted and I rolled my eyes, accepting defeat.

"I never said I was normal. Anyway, forget this," I threw my hands up in the air and slammed the freezer door shut with a huff. I then turned to the bench and leant against it, suggestively raising my eyebrows at her. "Tell me about how you met Gabriel," I demanded and she laughed at my remark, shaking her head in amusement.

"At a party. He was making out with some girl when I saw him for the first time. Well, not the first time. The first time we were both eighteen, I mean," she added, more as an afterthought.

"What's that mean?" I asked and she bit down on her lip, realising I still had a lot to learn.

"When both mates turn eighteen, that's when they recognise each other. We were lucky because we turned eighteen in the same year but there are others who aren't. Like Xavier and you. He never seriously dated anyone until Isabelle because he was waiting for you," she continued, her blue eyes gouging my reaction. "Just don't tell him I told you that. He'd kill me," she laughed, tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

"How long did he wait for me?" I asked quietly, leaning forward a little more as I waited for her to answer.

"You turned eighteen about a week ago, right? He's twenty-three so... I'd say five years."

"Do they usually go around making out with random girls?" I joked to hide my surprise.

He waited for five years just to find someone who'd make him stronger? He's either extremely power-hungry or totally dedicated to whatever it is he was looking to figure out.

Abigail shrugged her shoulders at my question.

"It's not uncommon. Most of us understand that our mates won't wait around forever for someone they may never find. I mean, when I saw Gabriel making out with that girl, I was definitely angry but he saw me just before I stormed away and immediately came to reconcile. I'll never forget how desperate he seemed," she laughed again and I couldn't help but follow suit, images of Gabriel on his knees begging for forgiveness invading my mind.

"He seems like a good guy," I acknowledged, "you two really are great together," I added sincerely, only just noticing the flicker of surprise in her eyes.

"I...I really hope you and the Alpha find happiness," she warmly murmured, gazing back at me with kind eyes. "He seems harsh but he really is a good guy. He only wants what's best for this pack and his people. Sometimes it can just seem as though he's being selfish but in reality he's thinking about every person who would be affected by the decisions he makes. Not many packs outside of our own understand him."

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