C17. Anything but normal

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Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Dedicated to @cancerfree70 for your awesome support. Thank you!

The image is of Xavier (Mariano Di Vaio). Let me know if he's how you pictured he would be and if not; let me know who you think may be better for the role

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. I'd love to know what's running through your mind so far!


"I really did like talking to you Alexandra," Xavier sincerely murmured two hours after I'd arrived in his office. "Unfortunately though I have some work to finish," he finished with a sigh.

"I know," I turned to him from where I stood by the bookcase, my chest aching when I looked into his eyes and realised that I'd have to leave.

"You can take one if you want to," Xavier added, gesturing to the books I'd been eyeing. I hummed in response, continuing to gaze at the rows of books while I gently touched each of their spines.

"Oh," I softly murmured, pausing when I found a familiar book at the end of the bookcase. With a small smile, I pulled it out from its spot, my eyes widening in surprise when I noticed that, as I drew it out, a piece of wall had shifted from its place in the corner of the office. "What-?" I looked to the book in my hands and then to the bookcase, noticing that, by taking the book out, some kind of mechanical device had been triggered.

"Oh that's right," Xavier softly stated and I looked to him to find him gazing at the hole behind him. Slowly I walked passed the desk and placed the book down before moving to the hole in the wall so I could peer into the tiny room. It wasn't any higher than my waist it wasn't too wide but I knew that I would fit - even though it would be barely. It didn't lead anywhere and it was easy to see that whoever constructed this, intended for it to be nothing more than a hiding spot.

"What is it?" I asked and he chuckled, his presence suddenly behind me.

"My brother and I used to hide in here when there was an attack on the pack. We were too young to fight with the pack so my Dad would always push us inside. There's one in the other pack house too. I forgot all about it."

"It's actually pretty cool," I laughed, peering inside the dark crevice. I quickly inspected it, noticing that it seemed to manually close. I gently grabbed the side of the wall and pulled it across, smiling when I realised the wall was perfectly cut so it didn't look any different to the rest of it.

When I finally straightened up, I turned to Xavier again, gasping out when he suddenly pulled me to him by the waist and hungrily kissed my lips. Instinctively I reacted and looped my arms around his neck, pushing my lips against his own before opening my mouth to grant his tongue entry. Once we pulled away, he grinned down at me, gently touching my cheek with his fingertips.

"Why do you keep doing that? What happened to the Xavier I first met?" I breathlessly asked and his grin grew wider. He gently tucked a stray piece of my hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead and shrugging his shoulders.

"I do it because I want to. As for what happened to me? I promised you that I'd try to make sure you always know what I'm feeling, Alexandra."

"Do I have to leave? Can I sit here and just read?" I looked down, ashamed of how weak I sounded. When Xavier chuckled I felt the back of my neck heat up and I chewed down on my bottom lip. A moment later his finger touched under my chin, guiding my gaze up and I was forced to look him in the eyes.

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