C35. Hello, it's me

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Hey, fam....

Yes, this is a legit chapter. I know it's been way too long and I doubt I have very many readers left, but here is a chapter nonetheless (to those of you sticking around, I seriously can't describe you how much love I have for you guys). 

It's unedited, but I figured something is better than nothing! It's also pretty jam packed because at this point, you deserve it.

I'm gonna shut up now so you can enjoy but I just wanted to remind you guys to let me know what you think by commenting and voting!

Love you all endlessly!



Chapter 35:

"Hello? It's me," I whispered, clearing my throat as I glanced around the dark room. "I'm here. Just like you asked," I continued, trying to ignore how eerily familiar my surroundings were.

"Ally?" a small, musical voice asked in the darkness, the sound offering the only light in this dark place.

"Juliet!" I exclaimed, squinting in an effort to see. I carefully pressed forward, dodging the furniture I could just see.

"You shouldn't be here!" she squeaked when she realised it was me. "He'll be back soon!"

"Where are you?" I asked as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, though I found myself smiling with relief when I could barely make out her outline in the centre of what I realised was the kitchen. Without hesitating, I hurried to her, flicking on the light switch on the wall behind me first. When the room lit up, I gasped in horror when my gaze found Juliet's, my chest tightening when I saw fresh bruises smattered across her cheeks.

She was a mess.

Anger immediately bubbled within me and I found that my hands quickly balled into fists as I crouched before her.

"What the hell did that bastard do?" I managed to ground out, though when I heard the same of movement in another room, I quickly forgot about it.

"He's back," Juliet whispered, her wide eyes filled with fear and determination.

"He wants me too," I muttered, standing straight. "We're going to get out of this," I assured her, reaching down to squeeze one of her bound hands.

"You came," a dark voice murmured just as two figures entered the room. An unconscious growl slipped from the back of my throat when I saw who both of them were.

"Sean and Brody. I knew it," I scowled, stiffening as they ventured closer, their expressions dark and smug.

"Finally, I have you back," Brody murmured, his eyes locking onto mine as he grinned, his gaze wandering slowly down my body before coming to rest on my breasts.

A shiver ran down my spine at the revolting action.

"She's all yours," Sean shrugged, slowly striding to stand behind Juliet, his fingers resting on the back of the chair she sat on. As soon as he stroked her hair, her face scrunched up with disgust and I could see her stiffen. "This one is mine," he smirked, crouching down before placing his lips against her neck – right where I knew Damien's mark would be.

"Don't touch her!" I spat out, my sudden step forward made Brody step back and Sean stand up – both clearly ready for a fight. I wavered when I saw that Sean now had a knife at Juliet's throat. "Why are you doing this?" I breathed, unable to stop the desperation I felt from seeping into my voice. "Was killing Catherine not enough? Now you have to kill us too?"

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