C22. Silver Bullets

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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more".

— Angelita Lim

The song is one of my favourite's right now and I think it suits this novel (and this chapter) quite well. It's called 'Monsters' and it's by Ruelle. Enjoy!

Don't forget to let me know what you think!



"I knew you were an idiot, but this far surpasses any beliefs I had about your level of stupidity," Damien snapped, slamming his fist into a wall. I sighed from my place on the couch in Xavier's office, rolling my eyes when he turned his heated glare onto me. "Don't get me started on you, pet. The only reason this is happening is because my idiot brother can't say no to a stupid human," he spat.

I'm so glad I didn't have any expectations of Damien after our drunken night, because, as soon as I recovered from my splitting hangover, he was back to his normal self and for the last four days since, he's been anything but kind.

"It's my decision. I want to go so I'm going, Crazyman."

"Stop calling me that!" he snarled, running a hand through his black hair in frustration.

"Just calling it as I see it."

"Listen, pet-"

"Would you two stop fighting?" Xavier grumbled from his seat behind his desk, rubbing his temples with frustration as he glared at Damien. "Alexandra is my mate and she's the Luna of this pack –respect her as such," Xavier stated and as a triumphant grin spread across my lips, Xavier turned to me, his eyes serious. "You really should stop aggravating him, Alexandra," he added and I felt my lips turn downwards as I scowled.

"He doesn't have a say in what I choose to do! Besides, what's so wrong with wanting to be there for my mate when he's going to fight a guy to the death!" I shouted out, my hands balling into fists as I glared right back at Xavier while simultaneously swallowing the lump of emotion that had formed in my throat. Almost instantly Xavier's expression softened and Damien sighed.

"I'm not going to die," Xavier murmured, standing from his chair before moving around his desk to take a seat along the front of it. He folded his arms across his chest and gave me a small smile, his grey eyes beautifully kind.

"He's not going to die," Damien agreed confidently, prompting me to turn to him with a frown. He cocked an eyebrow, his blue eyes completely serious as he gazed at his brother. "Xavier may be a complete idiot; but he's strong. He'll get through this," Damien turned to look at me and, not for the first time, it seemed like he was hiding something.

"We need to make our way to the meeting point in a half hour," Xavier spoke, the softness in his tone now replaced with a fierce determination. "Damien-" his brother stiffened slightly, "you know what to do," Xavier muttered as he avoided my gaze and looked to the floor. As soon as Xavier gave the order, Damien swept by me to the door, a worried scowl on his face. He paused a moment, looking back at me with a sarcastic grin.

"See you in a few days, pet." Then, just like that, he walked out.

"What?" I looked to Xavier, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. "He's not coming?"


"Why not?"

Xavier sighed, running a hand through his chocolate coloured hair while continuing to evade my gaze.

"I need him to do something else."

"What something could be more important than this?"

"Something that will help me figure out who killed your mother," Xavier finally looked to me, his grey eyes cautious. I felt my heart leap at his words and I straightened in the chair, hope blooming in the confines of my chest.

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