C11. Takes a psycho to know one

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I'm so super sorry that it took me a few more days than usual to upload. I've been without internet for a while and I've been busy with preparations for my 18th party (god I don't know how some people do it; I swear! hahaha)

Anyway! A massive 'thank you' to all you guys for your support. I've reached over 3000 reads and 300 votes which is so awesome! You're all so, so amazing! Please keep up the support and please comment your thoughts -often your comments make my day!

Image is of Abigail (Emma Stone). You may, however, picture her as you please! :)

Dedicated to DestinyKappers. Thanks for your support :) x

Vote and comment, my loves!


Before Gabriel could find me, I was already dashing from the prison and running towards the trees so I could finally escape this crazy place. The tears I'd shed moments ago had long since dried up and now I had one goal in mind.

Surprisingly, I actually made it to the forest. With speed I never knew I had, I darted between trees and jumped any obstacles in my path and as I softly panted, I was sure to be wary of my surroundings. I knew that there were wolves in this very forest and I knew that as soon as Xavier had found out I'd left; they'd be frantically searching for me.

After a few minutes of running with no destination in mind, a grey wolf jumped out in front of me, it's amber eyes guarded and cautious. I stopped in my tracks and folded my arms across my chest, my eyes catching movement to my left and right.

I was surrounded.

The wolf in front of me cocked his head to the side and gestured with his muzzle to back up. I sighed and shook my head, determination flooding my veins.

"No," I spoke out loud, momentarily surprised at the confidence and authority in my voice. The wolf stumbled back a little at my demand and then shook its head. When it's gaze met my own again, it appeared confused.

"I'm not going anywhere with you so just leave me alone," I continued and stepped forward to emphasise how serious I was. The wolf whimpered and then suddenly bowed its head, its nose touching the ground as it stepped aside. I hesitated a moment, disbelief running throughout my body momentarily. After a stunned second of silences, I quickly collected my thoughts and slowly and uncertainly slid passed the bowing and whimpering wolf.

"Uh, thanks," I muttered, throwing the three bowing wolves another confused glance as I backed away before running off once again, unable to help but feel relieved at the weird turn of events.

I continued on for a few more minutes; my feet pounding on the hard earth beneath me while a light layer of sweat covered my skin. I was growing tired and along with that, I was abnormally hungry.

I blamed the flood of tears for both of those things.

-Stop- a familiar voice boomed in my head. The sound of it echoing throughout my head was loud enough to have me skidding to a halt. Cautiously, I looked around and sighed when I found Xavier striding towards me through the trees.

As soon as I saw his large body coming my way, I attempted to continue forward but frowned when I realised I couldn't move.

Like, at all.

"What the fuck?" I hissed as I tried to move my feet. I twisted and turned but it literally was as though I was glued to the spot.

"Don't bother," Xavier sighed as he stopped a metre away. He ran a hand through his chocolate coloured hair and shook his head when he folded his arms over his chest, disappointment clear in his eyes. "You may be able to order my men to do what you want, but unfortunately that won't work with me. I am your leader," he growled. I frowned, the anger I felt towards this man growing exponentially.

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