C8. Anything you say

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Hello my loves!

So, was you can see this is an early update. I just wanted to give you guys a little something because yesterday I noticed that, somehow, I managed to reach #697 on the Werewolf 'What's Hot' list AND I have somehow accumulated over 1700 reads which is so freaking awesome! Like, I just literally cannot even right now.

Image is of how I picture Xavier Rivera (Mariano Di Vaino). You may, however, picture him as you please :)

Dedicated to @scarrletzentie for your comment on the previous chapter! it really made me smile! xx



I ground my teeth as Abigail led the way out of the forest and I purposely stepped on the leaves lying on the ground to somehow express my frustration.

"He's such a jerk!" I finally snapped, folding my arms across my chest angrily. I stopped and leant against a nearby tree, rubbing my hands across my face with irritation. Abigail instantly whipped around when I did so, watching me with wide eyes filled with fear.

"We need to hurry," she stalked to me and grabbed my elbow, trying to pull me with her. I ripped my arm from her grasp, shaking my head as I stood my ground.

"No way! I don't have to listen to anything he has to say!" I angrily barked and she flinched, her eyes begging me for to just follow after her.

"He's your mate, Ally," she breathed and I cocked an eyebrow, scoffing.

"So? In case you haven't realised; I mean nothing to him. I'm so tired of his hot and cold attitude."

"There's an intruder along our borders. He's only trying to keep you safe," she cried out and I wavered, harshly biting down on my lip.

"Why didn't he just say so?" I muttered, rolling my eyes as I walked passed her. She hurriedly moved to my side, her body tense as she anxiously surveyed our surroundings.

When she abruptly grabbed my arm and started running, I made sure to keep up with her, my heart hammering in my chest as I realised that we were probably in trouble. We sped through the forest and jumped obstacles but, when I heard the low, terrifying sound of snarling behind me, I knew whoever was chasing us was gaining ground.

"I think you should run ahead!" I shouted at Abigail, quickly noticing that she wasn't going as fast as she could be. "You need to get away!" by this point my feet were but a blur and my chest was aching from the hard, rapid beats of my heart.

"No! They'll kill you if they catch you!" when she yelled those words, I tried my best to speed up but, when I looked around to gain a glimpse of our pursuers, I tripped up on the uneven ground and landed face first, the left side of my face growing agonisingly numb.

Painfully and quickly I turned over and onto my back, screaming out when the black wolf that had been chasing me pounced onto my body, trapping me with its weight. It snarled in my face, its breath reeking of rotting flesh and its yellow teeth dripping with saliva. I barely suppressed the scream threatening to escape my lips when I felt its claws dig into my shoulders but instead of crying out, I bit down fiercely on my bottom lip, continuing to wiggle my body into a position where I could gain the upper hand.

Somehow I managed to lift my arms and shove at its stomach, relief flooding my veins when its claws left my shoulders and it stumbled back. I instantly struggled to my feet while it recovered from the surprise of its prey fighting back and I immediately took a protective stance as I observed the now-wary wolf.

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