C12. I'm so sorry

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Hey everyone! Early update is because of the unbelievable support I've received so far. I seriously appreciate the time and effort you all take into voting and commenting your thoughts. I would love to see more commenters though!

Dedication is to @SPARKELS for your constant votes. I seriously appreciate it! x

The song is "Live And Let Die" by Guns N' Roses. Perfectly fitting I think ;)

Enjoy everyone!


"Gabriel!" I shouted out in surprise, frowning at him as he stood beside the front door. Abigail hurried to his side and pecked his lips with her own, pulling away to smile widely at me.

"Is it okay if he comes along? The Alpha wanted to make sure you were protected," Abigail cocked her head to the side as she bit down on her lip to hide her smile.

I couldn't help but giggle at how excited the both of them looked. Abigail was bouncing joyfully in the spot and Gabriel, while he was hiding his own grin, appeared far more relaxed with Abigail by his side.

I had no doubt that his work was impeding a little on their relationship and I couldn't help but wonder if this was Xavier's way of letting the two of them spend some time together; even if I was tagging along as the third wheel.

"Will I be interrupting?" I teasingly asked, my giggles morphing into loud laughter when the both of them jumped apart and frantically shook their heads in the same manner. "Good," I laughed again at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"L-let's go," Abigail stuttered, turning to open the door. She hurried outside and Gabriel trailed obediently after her. I followed after the both of them but before I shut the door behind me, I cast one glance to the stairs; knowing that Xavier was busy working for my forgiveness. With a small, resigned sigh, I firmly closed the door, walking to the car waiting for me.


"Do you think I'm overreacting?" I suddenly asked Gabriel, leaning back in my chair as I placed my hands on my full stomach. I watched him carefully, gouging his reaction to my question. As soon as the words slipped from my mouth, his mouth twisted and his eyebrows scrunched up as he thought. Then, he placed his half-eaten burger down and looked to me, his brown eyes sincere.

"Yep," he casually replied, shrugging his shoulders before continuing his assault on his second burger. I groaned at his answer, biting down on my lip as I gazed distractedly at the stores around me.

"You guys do understand that he killed someone, right?" I cocked an eyebrow, looking back to the two of them as they ate their second helpings.

Werewolves sure get hungry.

We only had lunch a few hours ago.

"Yep," Gabriel repeating, his usually playful eyes serious as he watched me. "But he was doing his job. If Xavier had let it go, the Rogue would have attacked another pack at another time. I have no doubt in my mind it would've killed someone else; it's in their nature, Luna."

"Ally," I absentmindedly corrected, leaning my elbows on the table as I leant towards the two sitting opposite me. "But-"

"Think of it this way-" Abigail piped up, her blue eyes as kind as ever, "if someone you loved was in danger, you'd do anything you could to make sure they were protected, right?" I definitely noticed Gabriel look to her as she talked, his features relaxing as he did so.

If love really was real; these two undoubtedly shared it. I wouldn't ever try and argue with that again.

"I guess..." I trailed off, my voice a mumble as I glanced down to the table.

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