C32. Final renovations

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Hey guys! This is a bit of a filler chapter. However, I hope you enjoy either way. The next chapter will start to get really into things, so be prepared! ;)

Vote, comment and fan if you enjoyed it and let me know if you didn't :)

Image above is of how I picture Xaiver (Mariano Di Vaio). 


This is the right thing to do, Ally.

The right thing.

I clasped and unclasped my sweaty hands as I nervously stared at the unusually intimidating door before me; my mind screaming the same desperate words over and over again while I attempted to reassure myself.

When the door knob rotated, I stiffed and sharply inhaled, finding myself unable to tear my gaze away from the large door. Then, as though the person on the other side was purposely taking their time in opening it, the door was pushed inwards –the action accompanied by a long, drawn out creak.

"I'm sorry," the first, feeble words to spill from Jessica's mouth were so unexpected, I felt my stoic expression waver. Unconsciously, like I was looking for a sign of support, I glanced at Xavier to where he stood with his arms folded menacingly by her side and swallowed the lump in my throat when he stared blankly back at me, his thoughts suddenly echoing in my mind.

I can order her immediate removal at any time, Alexandra.

I know.

This is the right thing, I reminded myself for the thousandth and then, without hesitating, I felt my expression become impassive as I straightened and gestured for her to come into the pack house. Besides, you need her, remember?

"Let bygones be bygones," I managed to firmly and sincerely state. "Besides, you know I never felt anything for Brody anyway. I guess your actions just made sure I'd never be stupid enough to do so," I added when she meekly stepped past me into the entranceway and Xavier briefly brushed his reassuring hand across my back.

Without a word, Xavier strode by Jessica and started leading her up the stairs toward his office, his back just as tense as the rest of him. We reached the room in silence and almost immediately Xavier closed the door behind us, looking to me before tilting his head to the desk as he folded his muscular arms across his broad chest while remaining by the door.

I'll stand here. You take a seat, he tenderly offered through our mind link when I frowned at him in confusion.

My mouth immediately parted with understanding and, ensuring I remained expressionless, I moved to Xavier's usual seat behind the desk and quickly rigidly plopped my body down in the comfortable, leather office chair. I then rested my elbows on the table and placed my cheeks in my hands, my eyes now turning to focus on Jessica who remained awkwardly standing a few feet away from Xavier. Eventually, once he realised she was staring at him, his lips curled into a repulsed scowl and he glared at her before tilting his head to the chair opposite me and the desk.

"Sit," he gruffly growled and at the harsh word, Jessica's body jolted and scrambled to do as he ordered, her ears, like her cheeks, now a deep shade of red. With quivering fingers, she pushed her short, unruly, curly blonde hair behind her ears and cleared her throat.

"Thank you for doing this. I know Xavier went out of his way to come get me and bring me here safely," she weakly murmured, her bright blue eyes anxiously meeting mine.

"Alpha Rivera," Xavier abruptly and brusquely interjected, his eyes darkening as he glowered at the back of Jessica's head.

"I... I'm sorry," she meekly apologised and not for the first time I found myself realising how fragile she seemed now compared to how she was in high school.

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