C18. Feelings don't lie

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With a cheeky grin, Xavier laced his fingers through my own and tugged me towards the beautiful restaurant. In moments we were inside and I wasn't surprised to find that the interior was just as beautiful as the exterior.

"This place is-" I shook my head in disbelief as we ventured further into the strangely empty building. "It's amazing," I murmured as I gazed up at the incredible crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Just as Xavier gently squeezed my fingers, a woman appeared in front of us, her smile bright and joyful.

"Hey Alpha!" she grinned at him, her hazel eyes briefly flickering to me and while her smile never wavered, her eyes seemed to lose their light. "Luna," she acknowledged. "If you'll both follow me; I'll take you to your seats."

With that, she turned around, her blonde, curly hair bouncing as she shimmied away. A light sigh left my lips as the both of us followed after her, my gaze dropping to the floor when an unfamiliar feeling grew in the pit of my stomach.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wondered, biting down on my lip when we came to a stop in front of a booth by a window. Prompted by the waitress, the both of us slid in so we were facing one another and finally I looked up to Xavier, offering him a half smile when he raised an eyebrow at me. Before I could resist, he reached across the table and took a hold of my fidgeting fingers, bringing my hands to the centre of the table.

"Leave us," he ordered, gazing at me as he did so. Immediately the woman bowed and scurried away, her heels clacking loudly on the tiled floor.

"Alexandra..." he trailed off, shaking his head as his lips quirked upwards.


"Do you remember me telling you about the bond between us?" he questioned and I nodded, silently wondering where he was going with this. "Your jealousy was obvious when that waitress walked in," at his words, I ripped my hands away from his and held my palms to my blushing cheeks as I vigorously shook my head.

"I'm not jealous!" I desperately denied.

His grin only grew.

"Feelings don't lie, Alexandra."

"I'm not jealous! I don't get jealous, okay?"

"That just makes this more amusing," his grin morphed into a smirk as he grabbed the bottle of champagne conveniently already in place in a bucket of ice by the window. He popped the cork and then grabbed the two glasses, expertly managing to pour the bubbly golden liquid.

"You're such a jerk," I pouted, taking the glass from his hand anyway. He held his own up in the air and with a small smile, I tapped my own glass against his.

"To jealousy," his grin became wider and a small laugh burst from my lips. I rolled my eyes but grinned anyway, finding myself much more relaxed.

"To your inner jerk."

When we took a sip, I placed the champagne down and folded my arms on the table, leaning forward.

"Tell me about this introduction."

He sighed and nodded, his brow furrowing as his face became serious.

"Tomorrow night I plan on introducing you to my pack and to the leaders of the surrounding packs -our allies."

"So soon?" I questioned, cocking my head to the side. "It's not a problem. It's just..." I trailed off, holding his curious gaze. "We only just started talking to one another, Xavier. Along with that I'm sure they don't want some weird half-human becoming Luna of their pack. Then there's your popularity with the women; I'm know none of them would be too pleased that I suddenly popped into your life and took you away from them... or them away from you."

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