C5. Don't eat me, wolfy

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Shoutout to zubyfismail, @Illuminate101 and @nicolive97 for their comments. I really appreciate you guys making the effort to let me know your thoughts! Dedication is to @neonbubbles356 for your comment! The answer to your question lies within this chapter ;)


I froze as the question slipped from his mouth, instantly hurrying to stop my emotionless façade from crumbling.

"She's dead," I impassively stated, glaring coolly at him.

"She is," he agreed, his eyes surprisingly softening a little.

"How do you know and why the hell do you want to know about her?" I snapped, forcing back bloody memories of the past that threatened to invade my mind.

"She was involved in... an event that interests me," he replied. I watched him with an eyebrow raised, studying his flawless face.

"An event?"

"Just answer the question."

"No," I stood up angrily, feeling my stupid mask crack as I did so. My mind had already started leaking memories and all I could now think about was blood. "You can't just force me here and then ask me questions like that when I'm sure you know exactly what happened to her. You know she was killed right in front of me and that's-" my chest heaving painfully as tears stung my eyes. I pressed them back, already feeling a panic attack coming on.

God no. Not now. Not in front of him.

"Alexandra?" his voice softly murmured just as I spun around to avoid his gaze.

"Don't," I heaved, squeezing my eyes shut when white little dots started to cloud my vision, "I," gasp, "need," gasp, "a," gasp, "minu-" I didn't get to finish because my mouth was immediately covered with material. I reluctantly peeled my face from Xavier's chest and looked up at him, surprised when I realised that my anxiety attack had faded away the moment he touched me.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, his hands hands reaching up to cradle my face. I almost moaned at his touch, relishing in the warmth he brought me.

Why did I always feel this way around him? This wasn't me. I've only known the asshole a day!

"I'm... okay," I nodded, knowing full well he was about to pull away. I took a step back, surprised to find my body being tugged straight back to his.

"And I'm sorry," he sighed, gazing sadly down at me. When he pulled me tighter to his body, I frowned, confused as to his sudden change of demeanour. "I didn't know," he rested his chin on the top of head, squeezing me against him.

"Um, Xavier?" I whispered, trying not to think about how raspy my voice sounded. I remained against his chest, my heart lurching dangerously in my own.

"Yeah?" he answered, not sounding the least bit phased.

"You're uh- you're uh..." I trailed off. You're hugging me. I couldn't finish the sentence.

When he abruptly pulled away and cleared his throat, I tried my hardest not to look disappointed.

"Sorry," he muttered as he walked over to the front of his desk, that damned emotionless façade covering his features in a second. I quickly copied his expression, my entire body jolting when the door behind me slammed open. I hurriedly whirled around to face the intruder, my hands unconsciously flying to my neck when Isabella stalked inside. I then immediately prepared to defend myself, refusing to put my guard down when she simply brushed by me and strutted towards Xavier.

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