C23. Painful, but fleeting

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Hey, hey!

The image is of how I picture Juliet Porter (Ashley Benson). You are free to imagine her however you'd like to though! :)

This early update is to celebrate us getting to #79 on the What's Hot list in this genre and for hitting 105 000 reads!  As always, a massive shout out to all of you -especially my wonderful commenters! Enjoy guys x

"To love is to burn, to be on fire." ― Jane Austen



My body felt like concrete and, despite my best efforts, I couldn't move or open my heavy eyelids. For what could've been hours I was forced to remain this way –unable to hear, see, smell or feel my surroundings.

The first sense to come back to me was my ability to feel and as soon as it did, I instantly wished to go back to the nothingness from before. An indescribable jolt of pain shot throughout every inch of my body and I knew that if I were capable of making a sound, I'd be screaming.

Eventually, once the pain had gradually subsided to a dull ache, I was able to open my eyes and when I did, I frantically shook off the fatigue and uncertainty I felt so I could scramble across the floor and away from the blonde- haired girl staring right back at me.

Isabella! Was the first, anxious thought that entered my mind but, as soon as I noticed her bright and kind blue eyes, I relaxed slightly. That bitch has green eyes. For now, you're okay. I silently assured myself.

After shooting Xavier and knocking me out, I doubted there was anyone I hated more in this world than her.

But, at the same time, she was also the most dangerous person I knew.

"Who the hell are you?" I spat the question, pulling angrily on the handcuffs I had just noticed were tightly clamped around my wrists. "And where the fuck am I?" I added, my head whipping around as I inspected the prison bars surrounding me. The girl gave me a half smile from where she kneeled on the floor, however, rather than answering me, she simply held up a plate of food that had been sitting in front of her. She then slowly placed it back down and slid it across to me, her actions gentle and cautious. I eyed the plate of potato mash that had softly touched my knee with suspicion.

There's no way I'm touching that poisonous filth.

My stomach growled in response to the thought running through my mind.

"Eat," a deep voice ordered and my heart stopped at the familiar voice. I continued to stare at the white mush, refusing to believe that the man on the other side of these bars was someone I trusted.

"Eat, pet," he repeated and my heart lurched. I felt my hands ball into fists and in a flash of anger, I grabbed the plate before me and threw it at the bars, heaving in deep breaths as it broke into pieces.

"I trusted you!" I growled, finally looking up to Damien with eyes I knew would be filled with hate. "How could you?" I gasped, looking down as tears blurred my vision.

He didn't respond.

"You've been captured by the Hunters. Shooting Xavier was just Isabella's way of luring you here," the girl whispered, her voice musical and soft.

"I told you that you shouldn't have gone with him! Fucking hell, you're an idiot!" Damien bellowed; his anger so clear that I actually couldn't help but look up to him in shock.

"Damien, stop," the girl muttered, her voice so quiet I found myself wondering if perhaps she wasn't used to speaking out loud.

"Oh God, don't sympathise with her, Juliet! She's ruined everything we've worked for and now we're the ones who have to get her out of this mess."

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