C7. Only human

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I'd like to give a little shoutout to those November babies! If you have a birthday in November, let me know what date it is! Mine's on the 5th ;)

Image above is of Alexandra Grace (Selena Gomez). Enjoy this chapter and please, please vote and comment!



"Good morning!" someone chirped brightly, tearing the covers away from my body. I groaned, turning over as I willed the intruder away with my mind. "Time to get up! We have a lot to do today!" the melodic voice sang. I sighed, rubbing my eyes as I sat up from the bed Xavier must have taken me to last night.

I felt my cheeks burn as I remembered what had happened between me and him and unconsciously I raised my hand to my neck, surprised to find the wound he'd made last night was now clean and closed.

"You healed quickly after you blacked out. Xavier took really good care of you," I looked to Abigail as she spoke with a large grin.

"So you're a werewolf too?" I muttered, yawning as I swung my legs off the bed. I looked down at my bare feet, another blush coating my cheeks when I realised Xavier must've taken my shoes off.

"We all are. Gabriel, the Beta, or second in command, is also one of us. He talked about you two meeting," she smiled widely at me, amusement dancing in her blue eyes.

"You're his mate," I finally concluded when I noticed the love in her eyes. Her cheeks immediately tinged pink at my comment and she hesitated before nodding timidly. She then cleared her throat, picking up a bag similar to the one yesterday from the end of my bed.

"Here are your clothes for today. Once you've changed, come meet us downstairs. A bunch of us are going for a run and we thought you might've wanted to get out of the house," she smiled kindly and immediately a grin spread across my own lips. I hurriedly took the bag from her, thanking her quickly as I dashed to the bathroom.

I definitely wasn't passing this up.

I changed into the pink sports bra and black workout leggings I'd been given and laced up the pink running shoes I'd just slipped onto my feet. I then grabbed the hairbrush I found in the bag and tugged it through my hair, pulling it up into a high-ponytail a minute later. Once I'd done that, I cleaned my teeth with the toothbrush that had also been in the bag and rushed outside as quickly as I could.

Hesitating a minute, I looked down one of the halls stretching in opposite directions and then, once I took a deep breath, I made my way towards what I hoped to be the right direction. A smile lit up my face when I reached the top of the stairs and I quickly descended them, meeting with the four other people waiting by the front door.

"Hey!" I greeted enthusiastically, beaming at Abigail, Gabriel, Xavier and the one man I had yet to meet. Immediately they all turned to me and before I register what occurred next, Xavier had the strange man by the throat and up against the door, his features twisted as he growled angrily at him.

"Don't you ever look at my mate like that again or I will rip your throat out," Xavier snarled, effortlessly holding up the struggling man like he weighed nothing.

"Xavier!" I gasped, running over to him as soon when I finally realised what was happening. I frantically grabbed his arm, trying desperately to stop him from doing something he'd regret. As soon as I touched him, he shuddered and the stranger dropped to the ground, gasping for breath. In the next second Xavier had grabbed me and pulled me against his body tightly, his hands on my waist as his nose went to the mark he'd made on my neck.

"Leave us Dylan," Xavier barked at the man on the ground as he touched me.

I shivered in delight at the contact, letting him hold me while he tried to calm down.

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