C4. Sir

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Image is of how I picture Abigail Loft (Emma Stone).

Dedicated to @mesmores for writing a novel that inspired me to continue writing my own.


As soon as I stepped inside, Gabriel frantically grabbed my arm, prompting me to turn to him in confusion.

"There was something I forgot to mention. Um, there's kinda this-"

"You!" a melodic voice suddenly shouted, effectively cutting off Gabriel's hushed whisper. I looked to the source of the beautiful sound and inhaled sharply when my eyes found a tall, blonde woman glaring at me from the top of the stairs. Before I could blink, she was already directly in front of me, her emerald green eyes filled with an incredible amount of hate. A second later I was reaching up to touch my left cheek which now pulsed as an immense wave of pain seared my flesh.

It took me a few moments to realise she'd just slapped me and by then she already had one of her perfectly manicured fingers around my neck and was tightly squeezing.

"Isabella, put her down and leave this house immediately," the sound of Xavier's voice was far away as my consciousness began to fade. Just as my eyes fluttered shut, I heard the lady scoff in disgust before she dropped me to the ground and disappeared.

Barely an instant passed before someone had scooped me into their arms.

"Alexandra, are you alright?" Xavier anxiously questioned just as my back hit the soft surface of what I assumed was a bed. I struggled to open my eyes and was more than surprised to find Xavier gazing down at me with concern, his fingertips gently brushing against my injured cheek.

"What...a..." I managed to rasp out, "...crazy... bitch..." my voice was husky as I tried to joke. For some reason I didn't like seeing him so worried. Xavier frowned at my words, his fingers moving down from my cheek to my neck.

"You'll be bruised for a while," he muttered, not sounding at all happy about that fact.

"I've... I've had worse," I managed to say. I wasn't lying when I said that either. Learning Judo and involving myself in fights was the reason for that truth.

"How painful is it?"

"It's fine."

"Don't lie to me, Alexandra," he muttered, his grey eyes finally meeting my own. I gulped, wincing at the sudden pinch I felt in my neck. Xavier's eyes immediately darkened and he closed them quickly, squeezing them shut for a second before he looked at me again; all signs of the anger I'd briefly seen flash across his face now gone.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, internally cursing myself as I realised how weak I sounded.

"Why are you sorry?" he questioned, frowning in confusion as his hand moved to rest against my cheek.

It took a lot of energy not to moan at his touch.

"I made you carry me here," I blurted, chewing down on my lip when he raised his eyebrows.

Was that amusement I saw in those eyes of his?

"You didn't make me do anything. As Gabriel told you, you're my guest."

I sat up at his words, resting my body on my elbows as I eyed him cautiously.

"How'd you know what Gabriel told me? There was no way he could've said anything to you in the time it took for us to walk through that door and for you to take me here."

"I told him to make sure you knew you were the guest. I assumed he would've passed that on," Xavier easily lied. Despite his emotionless façade, for some reason I knew what he'd just said was, in fact, false.

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