C10. I will never want you

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So guys!

I was going to (as according to the tradition I've adapted over the last three years) post up a chapter on my birthday for you guys to enjoy. It's 11:14pm the day before my birthday and unfortunately I'm far too tired to wait till midnight so here you go! An early update! I figured that it's probably my 18th somewhere in the world anyway, right? ;)

Song is "Really Don't Care" by Demi Lovato (feat. Cher Loyd). I think it really relates to this chapter hahaha

It's super short buuuuut I'm technically not supposed to be updating for like three more days because I have an exam tomorrow so please don't be too upset over that!

Anyway, my friends! I hope you enjoy your day/ night.

~Sarah x


Things between us were tense as Xavier led me to the side of the mansion and when he uncovered a door on the ground hidden with a mock plant and opened it up, I hesitated momentarily, gazing at the secret door like it was my tomb. Taking in a deep breath, I settled my anxiety and I followed him down the stairs which led to what, at first glance, seemed like an underground bomb shelter. It wasn't until we reached the bottom that I realised he'd taken me into the prison.

Rows of cells lined either side of the aisle we were walking down and while they all appeared empty, I could tell from the blood-stained walls and foul smell that it hadn't always been that way.

Slowly, we continued onwards, passing by more than ten cells before finally reaching the other side of the darkened prison. As soon as Xavier stopped in front of the last one on the right, I paused, squinting so I could see into the dark corner of the cell. Cautiously, I stepped forward so I was but an inch away from the bars and I knelt down, gazing at the shadowy figure I could now only just make out.

"Who are you?" I asked brokenly, swallowing when the crouched person seemed to jolt a little at the sound of my voice. I eyed his body, noticing that his legs and arms, the only limbs I could see, seemed mildly bruised. Along with his minor injuries, I noted that, while his clothes were ragged and bloody, he appeared to be otherwise healthy.

So why is he hiding his face?

"Who are you?" I repeated the question louder, wrapping my fingers around the silver bars. I leant towards him, desperately trying to see who this man was.

"Ally," the voice whispered and I froze, my mind taking less than a second to realise who this mystery Rogue was.

"Mr Parks?" I gasped out, pressing my chest against the bars as I gazed at the corner. "You were the one who tried to kill me?" my voice cracked when I spoke and at the sound of the break, he finally looked to me, his eyes filled with remorse and a sadness I couldn't even begin to explain. I bit down on my lip when I could see the tears running down his muddy cheeks; the glistening wetness leaving visible tracks in the dirt on his face as he silently wept.

"You know what I am, don't you?" he responded, ignoring my question.

"A werewolf," I nodded, breathing out as I accepted the fact that my gym teacher, one of the only people I actually had looked up to in my life, was not human.

"No," he shook his head, wincing as though the action was painful. He swallowed as I cocked my head to the side in confusion and he adjusted his body as his legs were straight out in front of him and his hands rested in his lap.

"I'm a Rogue. I don't know if your... mate actually explained what we are..." he trailed off, his sad gaze momentarily flickering to the man behind me. I shook my head at his words, hoping that my former gym teacher was about to provide me with the reason behind his attack. "We're werewolves, as you said, but our wolves are dominant. When that happens, the balance is disturbed and this just gets worse because usually our wolves don't accept the idea of having a leader," he gulped and then winced in pain, those sad blue eyes of his glistening with a new coat of tears.

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