C33. Peppermint

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"Whoa what?! Is...is that an UPDATE?! Do we, her (Sarah's) wonderfully amazing readers, dare get excited only to have our hopes dashed yet again?!"

^^That's probably what's going through your mind right now, right? Welp, I am here to assure you that this IS IN FACT AN UPDATE. AND not only THAT, but it's a LONG one too!

As a side note I'd just like to say holy cow am I delivering today or what?! ;)

Now, I do believe I warned you guys last chapter (and last authors note) that things were gonna get intense from here on out. I'd just like to give you guys a quick little reminder that this is still the case and this chapter is proof of that.

Anyway! Enjoy you guys! I hope it's interesting because you deserve something worthwhile after waiting all this time XD


I woke up the next morning to the sweet scent of apples and cinnamon and was well aware that, even though I hadn't opened my eyes yet, a smile had already formed on my lips.

"Mornin'," a gruff, familiar voice spoke up from beside me and I felt familiar fingers brush my hair from my face. Drowsily I opened my eyes as my grin grew and almost as soon as I did, Xavier's lips claimed mine.

"Good morning," I murmured back, rolling onto my back with a content sigh while I rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" I looked to the window and noticed that the bright light from the sun was streaming in.

"Pretty late," Xavier huskily replied and I was vaguely aware he'd sat up and was slipping on some clothes. "I have quite a bit of work to do today at the pack house. You can stay here if you'd like to –otherwise you can take the car. I've already programed the pack house into the GPS," he tenderly added with his back to me, absentmindedly tapping his temple when I sat up to watch him just as he pulled his shirt over his head.

At Xavier's words, I was reminded that we were in our own home and my small smile returned once again. When Xavier turned around to face me, I pulled the sheets further over my bare chest and in just a moment, he crossed the room and placed a gentle kiss against my lips. As always, my eyes fluttered shut and tingles spread throughout my body, my mind filling with blissful thoughts.

"I'll see you later," he pressed his lips against my forehead and then disappeared from the room, leaving me alone to get ready for the day.

Without rushing, I showered and changed into a pair of unfamiliar, new tights I'd found in the wardrobe and a white, knitted jumper. For the second time, I inspected the remodelled house with a smile and a warm cup of tea in hand, finding myself falling in love with the place all over again.

After a while of relaxing, I decided to do as Xavier had suggested and grabbed the car and house keys from the kitchen bench before leisurely making my way outside to the car parked in the driveway. It didn't take long for me to find my way to the pack house and without hurrying, I parked and made my way inside, frowning when I noticed the lack of people around.

Is everything okay? I asked Xavier through our link, my frown deepening when he didn't reply.

Anxiously I pushed my way into the empty house, freezing when I heard what I thought were muffled screams coming from the kitchen. When I heard the violent crashing of pots and pans, I immediately ran to the source of the noise, completely prepared to fight when I burst inside. At first glance I saw nothing except for scattered utensils, but, after scanning the room, I noticed that the door leading into the dining room was ajar.

After scooping up a frying pan which I intended to use as a weapon, I cautiously and quietly stepped toward the door, taking in a deep breath and frowning as the vaguely familiar, overwhelming scent of peppermint invaded my senses. As I stepped forward, my heart started thumping erratically inside my chest and adrenaline started to flood my blood.

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