C14. Stay with me

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I don't know how on earth I've managed to get over 4,000 reads but you guys are so amazing. Oh my goodness thank you so much. I love you all!

Dedicated to @TorTorLovesYou for your support! Thank you for voting c:

The image above is of how I picture Xavier (Mariano Di Vaio). Enjoy ;)

~Sarah x


"Please, stop. You don't want to do this. You really don't. There will be war and people will die," a soft, melodic, frantic and strangely familiar voice whispered in the darkness. I tried to peer through the slits in the doors of my hiding space, attempting to calm my small, racing heart.

"You, of all people should know that war is what I want, Catherine," a dark, angry voice spoke up. Again, I tried to see into the room where my mother stood arguing with a strange man but once more the dark cupboard provided no light and no way for me to do so.

"You were my friend," the woman -my mother- cried out, the sound of her frightened voice growing farther and farther away as she ventured toward the kitchen.

"We have very different ideas on friendship, Cathy. A friend would help me but you -you'd be perfectly happy to witness my death. Unfortunately, my love, it will be me witnessing yours. Be sure to tell your mate on the other side that I said hello."

Once he'd finished speaking his taunting, sarcastic words, the woman let out an ear-piercing shriek and as I heard her body fall to the floor, I covered my mouth with my childish hands in an attempt to stop the small cries from leaving my body.

"If you're not careful little one, it'll be you next," the raspy voice shouted out, the sound of his frustrated cry echoing through the little house. A moment later I heard the thumping of feet along the wooden floor and then, soon after, came the deafening sounds of sirens.

As soon as I was sure the man had left, I ran out to the kitchen to my mother, but, just as I saw the trail of blood leading towards her body, I was pulled away by police officers, kicking and screaming as tears obscured my vision.

When the men and women around me began to shout at one another, I quickly realised that my mother was dead.

And I had no doubt in my mind that I was next.

I bolted upwards, my eyes wide with horror while my entire body shook with paralysing fear. I looked down at my trembling hands, and squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to erase the memory of the nightmare I'd just had. A second after I took a deep, slow breath and let my eyes flutter open, the door was ripped open and Xavier frantically burst inside, quickly flicking the lights on as he did so.

"Alexandra!" he gasped when he saw me. He crouched down on the floor by the bed side and gently grabbed my hands, placing a soft kiss along my knuckles as he gazed at me. "I felt your fear and I came as soon as I could," he murmured, visibly relaxing now that he could see that I was in fact alright.

A little shaken; but okay.

"Were you still working?" I softly asked and he sighed, rubbing a hand over his tired face. "I'm sorry for interrupting," I added and he shook his head, offering me a smile.

"It's alright. I should probably get some rest anyway. Are you okay now?" he asked, taking my hand with him as he stood up. My neck craned so I could look up to him and when I nodded, he gently kissed the back of my hand, letting it go a second later.

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