Prologue - The Birth of Arthur Pendragon

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Uther stood by his wife's side. He gripped her hand firmly as she cried out in pain. Gaius stood on the opposite end. He watched quietly as Nimueh chanted a spell, her hands raised above her head. When she finished she bent down to pick up the baby. It was a healthy baby boy with beautiful blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

Uther smiles proudly. He took the child from the high priestesses arms and cradled it in his own.

"Look Ygraine. It's our son. Arthur is alright. He was born safely," he said. Uther looked towards his wife. She lay still on the bed. Her chest was not moving.

"Ygraine?" Uther called worriedly. He moved back to his wife's side. Gaius checked for her pulse. He shook his head slowly. Rage built inside Uther Pendragon. Anger that would never disappear for the rest of his life. The hatred that would change the fate of all in Camelot. He turned towards Nimueh.

"You!" He pointed a finger a Nimueh. "You did this! You killed her!"

Nimueh simply shook her head. "I did not kill her Uther Pendragon. In order to save a life, one must give a life."

Uther refused to hear any of it. He shook with anger. He placed the infant in Gaius arms before he turned back towards Nimueh, sword in hand.

"I should have never trusted the use of magic. It was always corrupt and evil. Now it has stolen my wife! I shall have your head!"

Nimueh looked at Uther in shock. "You knew there would be consequences! How dare you put this blame on me! On magic!"

Once again Uther ignored the high priestess. He began to call for the guards. Before the guards could arrive Nimueh chanted a quick spell and vanished into thin air.

Uther roared in anger and shouted at the guards to hunt her down. He stormed out of the room to join the chase.

With all the commotion no one saw the young boys eyes glow gold as he stared at his dead mother. A small cup floated in the air behind her limp body before clattering to the floor.


A/N - First chapter will be posted soon. I promise! Hope you'll stick around to find out what happens!!

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