Chapter 23 - Love is War

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Arthur's POV

I sprint down the halls of the palace. Everyone is on edge. The servants scurry about trying to organize the armour or sharpen swords. Knights race towards the armoury or towards the courtyard to prepare for battle.

I slow to a halt by one of the many windows and stare out at the scene before me. There, on the horizon, is a massive army. According to Leon, who was the first to spot the army when he was on patrol, said we were outnumbered 3 to 1. That isn't even the worst part. Morgana is the one leading the army.

My fists clench harder the longer I stare out at the looming army. I still didn't know where Merlin is. Morgana must still have him locked up somewhere.

"Sire," I hear Guinevere call.

I rip my eyes away from the window long enough to look at Guinevere. "Do you need something?" I ask.

"Gaius wishes to speak with you."

I nod and make my way towards Gaius's chambers. I see Guinevere look at me with worry before turning and walking away in the opposite direction.

When I arrive in Gaius's chambers I see him grabbing supplies and stuffing them into his medicine satchel. He turns to look at me when I enter. He stops what he's doing and looks at me with worry.

"You needed me?" I ask.

Gaius sighs in exasperation. "Sire...I suggest you get out of Camelot before the attack."

I stare at Gaius wide eyed. "What do you mean? Are you telling me to abandon my kingdom?!"

"No, that is not what I mean. You will die if you stay, sire."

"And when has that ever stopped me? Gaius, I have faced Morgana before and made it out alive. I am not going to leave."

"You have, but this time... Merlin isn't here."

I look down. I didn't want to be reminded of Merlin. I almost forgot he was the one who always saved my life. "I know, but I still can't leave."

Gaius nods. "Just be careful."

"I will."


I stand in the lead in front of my men. The musty air of the lower town clogs my nose as I examine my army. The Knights of the Round Table flank both my sides. Dozens upon dozens of men with red capes line up behind us, some with terrified expressions while others have looks of pure hatred. The enemy army continue their march towards the gates of Camelot. I raise my sword in the air. "For the love of Camelot!" I shout.

"For the love of Camelot!" The others yell after me.

We all charge at the army. I race up towards the first man and bring my sword down across his chest, successfully bringing him down. Thank goodness he actually stays down this time. The rest of my men have engaged with the enemy. We fight furiously. I let out my anger against Morgana on her warriors. Who I now realize are Odin's men. Why would Odin work for Morgana?

I slash and hack at everyone that approaches. I notice that we're driving the enemy back and I smile triumphantly. We can win this.

That's when a loud screech sounds above us. I look up only to see a white dragon diving down in our direction, a column of red hot flames shooting down on the Camelot Knights. When did Morgana get a dragon?!

"Fall back!" I shout just before the flames hit the ground.

I watch in horror as a large portion of my Knights burst into flames. I hear them scream in agony and run about in circles, trying to put out the flames. Odin's men begin to push us back. The dragon makes multiple dives at us, snatching men left and right with its claws. I wish Merlin were here. A dragonlord would have helped greatly in this situation.

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