Chapter 40 - Memories

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Arthur's POV

I can't hold it in anymore. It's been so long since the last time I felt those soft lips against my own. I'm afraid that something will happen during this battle. What if I lose him again? The thought circulates through my mind for awhile. What if I lose him again.

I decide not to fight the temptation anymore. I lean in and press my lips to his. I can feel him tense up when we connect. My hand travels to the side of his waist, gripping it gently. The other cups the side of his cheek. My mouth moves hungrily, wanting to explore every last inch. Eventually, I feel him kiss back, his hands resting against my chest. My heart jumps at each passing second. I didn't want to let go. I never wanted to. I wished the moment could last forever but I know it couldn't. There is business to attend to.

I end up pulling away first, panting heavily. My forehead rests on his. I stroke his cheek gently with my thumb. "I love you Merlin. Please stay safe," I whisper to him.

He stares back at me wide eyed, no doubt surprised at the sudden display of affection. I move away slowly, already missing the warmth from his body. I turn and head down the hall after Leon, hoping my heart would calm down before I reach the council chambers.


I'm barreling through the hall towards the council chamber doors. I can already hear the loud shouts from various council members and Knights debating on the first course of action. I push open the large double doors with my chin held high. Immediately, the voices cease. Everyone returns to a calm state.

I stride over to my throne, standing in front of it. I face the table, skirting my eyes along the men gathered. The Knights of the Round Table and many other trusted Knights and advisors are waiting patiently around the table. My eyes soon land on two familiar Knights. They stand side by side, shoulders almost touching, the bright red Camelot cape trailing behind them. My eyes narrow at the two men. It's Sir Kay and Sir Dennis.

I can see the slight gleam of sweat trickle down Sir Dennis's forehead. He knows I'm staring. I turn away from the two of them. I'll question them about their actions against Merlin later. Right now, protecting Camelot must come first.


Merlin's POV

I stare, dumbfounded, at the empty space before me. I hear the click of Arthur's boots on the stone floor as he goes after Leon. It soon fades away and I'm left alone in silence. I lift a hand up and touch my lips. Arthur kissed me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. I remember hardly anything about him yet the kiss felt so... right. Almost as though it were natural.

I start to feel my head spin. I can hardly comprehend what had just transpired. Arthur, King of Camelot, the royal prat himself, kissed me. I pinch myself, thinking it was all a dream. Fortunately, I don't wake up in my bed.

After the reality finally seems to settle in I feel a bright blush paint my cheeks. My heart begins to pound even more fiercely then it already was.

I shake out of my reverie. This isn't the time to swoon Merlin! You have to concentrate. I smack myself a couple time. When my heart finally calms down I make my way towards Gaius. I guess I'll listen to him for now.


Arthur's POV

I finish explaining the plan to the council members. They all nod their head in agreement before heading out to preform the various tasks I had assigned. I catch Sir Dennis and Sir Kay leaving. I quickly follow after them. I make sure we're alone in the corridor before pulling them into an alcove.

I push both their backs against the wall and stand before them, arms crossed. I can see Sir Dennis trembling slightly.

"Is there something you need sire?" Sir Kay asks respectfully, even adding a bow.

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