Chapter 28 - Arthur's Sorrow

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Arthur's POV

I gaze into the small wooden boat at the edge of the water. Inside, lay Merlin's body. He had on a red tunic, brown jacket, belt, boots, and brown trousers, all along with the usual blue neckerchief which is wrapped snugly around his pale neck. His favourite outfit.

I kneel by the little boat. I had a bouquet of bright purple flowers in my hands. Guinevere said they suited him, I agree. They brought out everything about him.

I gently place the flowers on his body. His arms are crossed over his now unmoving chest.

I stood and looked down at the body of my love. If I didn't know any better I would have though he was still sleeping. I half expect him to sit up and rub the sleep out of his eyes, groaning about how early in the morning it was. My face drops at the old memory.

I bend down and plant a small kiss on his forehead. His skin feels cold against my lips.

"I love you Merlin. I love you," I whisper into his ear. I know he can't hear me but I wanted to say it, one last time.

I back away reluctantly. My eyes glow gold and the boat begins to move towards the centre of the Lake of Avalon. I walk back to stand with the others. Guinevere is crying into Lancelot's chest while the latter gently holds her comfortingly. The other Knights are standing quietly on the side, none saying a word. Gaius stands beside me with Hunith, who is trying her best not to cry.

I turn back to look at the crowd behind me. Every single person who knew the clumsy servant showed for the funeral, which is practically all of Camelot. There's not one person who didn't know about the manservant. He helped everyone one way or another.

My gaze turns sad. I turn back around to face the lake. It's glistening blue reminded me of his eyes. I try to find something else to look at. Something that didn't remind me of Merlin but I can't. Memories with him flooded my mind everywhere I look. The forest, where we had hunting trips or surprise picnics. The sky, where we would gaze into on occasion and look at the clouds. There's nothing in all the lands that didn't remind me of Merlin.

I see the flaming tip of an arrow from the corner of my eye. The archer is preparing to set fire to the boat. That's when a loud roar ripples through the forest. I swing my hand towards the sword at my belt. The Knights do the same. I look around for what may have caused the noise. How dare they disturb Merlin's funeral!

I'm furious. I whip my head around until I hear another roar. This one, a little less menacing. I turn to the sound which is coming from right above us. Two dragons swoop over head. I hear a couple of screams but no one runs. I stare in shocked silence at the two dragons that hover over the lake. One is pure white though it looks slightly crippled. The other, much larger, dragon is almost a copper colour. Their large wings cause ripples to appear across the lake. The larger of the two dragons lets out a puff of fire, successfully setting the small boat up in flames.

"Do not worry Arthur Pendragon. We only wish to honour the young warlock. For he too was our friend," I hear a voice speak in my mind.

The dragon turns its head to look at me, a smile spreads across its face before taking off with the smaller dragon back into the sky. They disappear into the distance almost as fast as they arrived.

My jaw hangs open. Merlin did say he was a dragonlord. I didn't realize that he actually had pet dragons.

I shake out of my trance and look back at the boat. The bright flame shines brightly on the lake. The others begin to leave but I stay put. I continue to watch until the last of the embers disappears, taking away the only light in my life along with it.

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