Chapter 2 - When I Become King...

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Arthur's POV

~6 Years Later~

I'm awoken by a loud and cheerful voice piercing my eardrums.

"Rise and shine Sire!" I hear Merlin, my manservant, call out as he rips open the blinds.

I open my eyes and immediately the light blinds me. "Merlin, could you not wake me a little more subtly?"

"No, sorry Sire. You wouldn't wake up otherwise."

I groan and turn around to block the sunlight from hitting my face. I open my eyes slightly in an attempt to sneak a peek at Merlin.

He was currently in front of my wardrobe, picking out my outfit for the day. He seems to have chosen my red tunic and brown trousers. I blush a little, staring at his small, lithe frame.

I never knew why but it seemed I always had a fancy for boys more then girls. Merlin was the one I was currently infatuated with. His sparkling blue eyes and his onyx black hair created the most beautiful combination. When I first saw him in the training field I was captivated. Unfortunately I had been an idiot and insulted him, even tried to beat him to a pulp. At least Merlin didn't seem to mind.

Suddenly, my manservant turns and throws the clothes at my face. "If you have time to stare off into who knows where could you at least get out of bed?" He says.

I sleepily sit up. I yawn loudly as I stretch my arms up in the air. I stand and grab the clothes off my bed. I head behind the screen to change. I hear a faint click from the door. Merlin must have gone to grab my breakfast.

When I finish changing I sit down at the table to wait for Merlin. He was a good servant, the best I ever had. Not only did he save my life but he was also the only person besides Morgana that didn't treat me like a prince. He was loyal and I always enjoyed our playful banter. Unlike my previous servants, Merlin wasn't a bootlicker. His smile always brightened up my day. I think it may even be contagious. His laugh is the most beautiful sound ever and his clumsiness was adorable.

That was when Merlin strolls into the room with a tray in his hands. I quickly attempt to hide the blush from my face when I see him smile at me.

"Good to see that you didn't die in your sleep. But then again if you did I could have gotten the day off."

"Ha ha very funny Merlin."

He chuckles and sets my food down in front of me. He heads to the wall to grab the pitcher of water before filling my goblet.

"What do I have today?" I ask him. I never knew what was happening.

"Well you have training with the Knights this morning and then a trial for a sorcerer to attend to. After that you're free."

I stiffen. A trial with a sorcerer. I hate those. They always ended the same way, the sorcerer is executed and I feel guilty about not being able to help my own kin. Most of the time they were also innocent.

"Are you alright Arthur?"

I hear Merlin's voice. I start to calm down when I hear him speak. He was always able to calm me down.

"I'm fine. Merlin could you clean my room and do the laundry while I'm at training today."

I could see Merlin sigh and roll his eyes. "Yes, your royal prat."

I smile and he smiles back. He's so adorable.


I sit on my throne beside my father and Morgana in the council chambers. I had already changed out of my armour and now had on a long brown trench coat.

A man is dragged into the room by two large guards who stood on either side of him. He's thrust to the floor and forced to kneel in front of us. My father stares at the individual with the same look in his eyes that he gives to every other sorcerer. Hatred.

I glare at my father from the corner of my eye. I would save this sorcerer if he deserves it. I was tired of watching them all die without even trying to help. I will save him.

My father rests on his throne leisurely as he watches the man cower on the floor.

"You have been found to practise magic in Camelot. What do you have to say for yourself?" He asks with a sharp tone.

"I-I-I only did it to protect my wife Sire! She-She was dying from a strange sickness that even the court physician didn't know how to cure! I was out of options. Please forgive me! I'll never do it again!" The man pleaded desperately. He was begging on his knees, his hands held out in front of him like a prayer.

"There is no tolerance here for sorcery. No matter the reason. I sentence you to death by hanging-"

"What?!" I ride from my seat, shouting at him. I'm furious, "this man has done nothing wrong! All he did was use magic to save his wife's life! How does that warrant a sentence like that!"

"You will be quiet!"

"No I won't. This isn't justice father! You are murdering an innocent man."

"Go to your room. Now!"

I point a finger at him angrily. "Why can't you realize that magic isn't all bad?! I understand the need to control its use but to kill every single person who has ever come in contact with it is absurd!"


I look around the room. I could see the shocked faces of everyone. Morgana has a hand covering her mouth, same as Gwen. The council members and Gaius all have dumbfounded looks on their faces. That's when my eyes land on Merlin. He looks stunned. A little worry dots his eyes.

Guards surround me. They grab my arms and begin pulling me from the room. I'm still kicking and screaming at my father. I'm not done yet. I had more to tell him. As I am dragged out of the room I see Merlin bow to my father and run after me.

I'm dragged all the way to my room. They throw me inside and lock the door.

Before the door closed I manage to catch a glimpse of Merlin. He looked sad. I'm afraid that he hates me. He's the last person whom I want to hate me. I need him, more then I would ever admit. When Nimueh had poisoned him I was scared out of my mind. It was the first time I was tempted to use magic. Thankfully, Gaius had found a cure. Now I didn't know what to do. Some bad things had happened to Merlin because of magic, and here I was defending it.

I throw one of the vases beside the door across the room. I watch it shatter to bits on the wall. I was frustrated and angry. I couldn't save the mans life and I may have made Merlin hate me. Just perfect.

I need to calm down. I take a few deep breathes before crawling under my bed. I grab the old, leather bound book that was strapped to the underside of my bed. I roll out from underneath and blow the dust off from the cover. It was a magic book that I had found once during a raid on a bandit camp.

I open up the book and begin to read through the pages. I love to study magic. I know my father would kill me if he ever heard that but I couldn't help it. Magic was fascinating. I wanted to learn every spell I could. I wasn't very good at it though. Not having an instructor and having very little time to practise made things difficult. Nevertheless I still enjoyed reading through the old book of spells.

I sat on my bed for hours, reading and silently practising spells. When I become king, things will be different. Magic will be allowed, sorcerers will be welcome. I'll show everyone the good magic can do.


A/N - Thank you to the people who have given my little fic a read! Please comment about what you think about the story so far!!

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