Chapter 10 - The Druid's Warning

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Morgana's POV

I see Merlin turn the corner at the end of the hall. Most likely heading to Arthur's chambers for his daily duties. I start to sprint after him. I need someone to talk to.

"Merlin!" I call after him.

He turns and slows down. He shines me one of his goofy smiles that brightens everyone's day. "Morgana! How are you this morning?" He asks cheerfully.

"I'm doing fine, thank you. Merlin, could I speak with you." I ask hesitantly.

Merlin raises an eyebrow but nods. I lead the way back towards my chambers and invite him in.

We sit down at the dining table. I glance around the room, afraid someone may overhear us. When I deem it safe I begin.

"You remember I told you about my... magic correct?"

Merlin nods. His cheerful expression is now replaced with one of seriousness.

I take a deep breath. "Do you think I should tell Arthur?"

Merlin leaps out of his seat. He almost topples over the chair. He slams his hands down on the table and leans in closer to me. Terror flashes in his eyes.

"You can't tell him." He says, his voice deathly serious.


Arthur's POV

~Last Night~

I peer around the corner of the hall, a bag is slung over my shoulder and I'm dressed in full armour. The armour had taken a while to put on without Merlin's help but I couldn't tell him what I am about to do. I can't tell anyone.

Two guards patrol the corridor. They whisper to each other quietly as they make their rounds. I turn and leave in the opposite direction of the two men.

I run down the stairs and out the front door of the Citadel. Again, two more guards stand by the drawbridge. They huddle around a fire in an attempt to keep warm. I see a pile of barrels on the side and lie in wait for my chance.

When nothing happens I decide to throw a stone towards one of the houses. The rock emits a loud clunk as it hits a wooden post. The two men immediately whip their heads around and begin to inspect the noise. I take this as my chance and run past the men.

I reach the stables and grab my horse. It whines in protest, clearly not wanting to leave in the middle of the night. I stroke its mane and feed it a carrot from my bag to calm it down. I saddle the horse and swiftly ride out of Camelot.

I head towards the mountains to search for the Eancanah. I had read in one of the books in Geoffrey's library that that is where the creature resides. The creature that can take away my magic.


Merlin's POV

I'm breathing heavily. My hands pressed down hard against the table. Morgana sits in front of me in surprise and terror.

"Why not? Arthur seems quiet supportive of sorcerers. I feel as though we can trust him to keep this a secret." Morgana answers shakily.

"No. Perhaps a few days ago, but not anymore..." I calm myself down and slump back in my seat, "he hates magic now. You don't know this but... something happened recently involving a sorcerer... and it has changed his views on the subject."

Morgana swallows the lump in her throat. "What happened? How can his opinion change so suddenly?"

"I can't say. Uther has forbidden it."

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