Chapter 15 - Morgana's Hatred

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Arthur's POV

We all huddle in a bush on the outskirts of the castle, waiting for the chance to slip past the guards on the battlements. I stare at the previously sleek white walls of the citadel. Black burn marks now marred the outside due to the attack.

Gwaine taps me on the shoulder, pointing at the battlements. I look up and see the guards have walked away. I gesture to the rest of my Knights and they follow me to the old, unused side door into the castle. I only knew of this exit because Merlin and I often snuck out of the castle through this door.

I shake thoughts of Merlin out of my head quickly. I can't afford to be distracted, the whole of Camelot rests on my shoulders now.

Leon yanks open the door and we all file through. We follow the lone corridor down into the dungeons, attempting to avoid the guards as much as possible.

Our luck runs out when a guard turns the corner and runs straight into us. The man gives a startled expression before raising his sword and shouting a loud battle cry.

The man doesn't get very far. I see Percival appear behind him and smack him in the back of the head with the hilt of his sword, successfully knocking him out. I smile proudly but it soon drops when the unmistakable sound of the warning bell echoes down the hall.

I curse silently to myself. The other guards must have heard the man shout. Soon enough a swarm of guards appear down the opposite end of the corridor. The man in the lead points in our direction and immediately charges, sword raised.

"Hold your ground!" I shout to the Knights. They all bring up their swords, ready to fight.

I glance at all the Knights surrounding me. Gwaine, Percival, Lancelot, Elyan, Leon. There are no other people I would rather die fighting with. I'm not afraid to die fighting for my kingdom.

The only regret I have is not being able to see Merlin one last time.


Merlin's POV

The shrill ring of the warning bell sounds throughout the kingdom. I poke my head out of Gaius's chamber door. I see dozens of Knights rushing down towards the dungeon. Their boots stomping down the stone steps.

I shut the door and turn to face Gaius. "Now's my chance. Most of the guards are gone," I say quickly, already striding to my room to grab Excalibur.

"Merlin," I hear Gaius call. I turn my head to look at him. "Be careful."

I give him a small smile before turning back around. I walk into my room and unwrap the sword. I hold it up to the light, admiring its gleam.

I walk back to the door and make my way to the hall. I glance around, making sure no one is nearby. I rush towards where the Cup of Life is being kept, making sure to cover Excalibur with my jacket. I pass a couple of guards on my way there but they simply ignore me, most likely thinking I wasn't worth their time.

I stop in front of the large double doors. I take in a deep breath and push them open.

I gaze in amazement at the Cup. It shines gold in the sun light. It's placed high on a stone pedestal, I gape in awe before the guards speak up.

"You are not allowed in here. Leave immediately," the guards voice booms around the mostly empty room.

I finally take notice of the guards that line the area. There were three of them. A lump forms in my throat. I can't beat three trained Knights with a sword! What was I thinking when I came up with this plan?!

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