Chapter 16 - The Question of Magic

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Arthur's POV

I knock hesitantly on the door to my fathers chambers. I don't hear a reply so I push open the door. I see my father slumped against a chair facing the window. He has a faraway look in his eyes, as if he is here but at the same time not here.

I walk up to him. I grab a chair and sit beside him. I hate seeing him like this already. So lifeless... the usual kingly atmosphere around him gone.

"Father?" I ask quietly.

I see him turn his head slowly to look at me. "Arthur? You're alive," I hear him breathe a sigh of relief, a little life appears in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine." I smile at him.

"Thank goodness. I thought magic had claimed you too."

I stiffen slightly. It's still awkward lying to my father, despite having lost my magic a year ago. "Magic will never claim me."

My father let's a small smile creep into his face. "That's my son..."

My father leans back into his chair. I watch him gaze out the window again. "I can't believe Morgana would do such a thing. She was always such a sweet girl... this goes to show why we must stop magic no matter who tries to stop us," my father states.

I nod slowly. Then I remember the question that had been burning in my mind for awhile now. "Father, Morgana had called me her brother..."

My father turns towards me quickly. His eyes wide. "Morgana told you?"

"No, but she told me to ask you. Father, what did she mean?"

My father sighs deeply. "I knew I couldn't hide it from you forever..." My father takes a deep breath, "I'll tell you the whole story."


Lancelot's POV

I sit by the dining table in Gaius's chambers. My knees tremble as I watch Gaius work. Gwaine is pacing back and forth beside me. I never met the man before yesterday, yet I could tell he and Merlin were good friends. Merlin did always have that effect on people.

I hear the door to the physicians chambers suddenly burst open. I stand abruptly, my hand flying towards the hilt of my sword unconsciously.

My shoulders relax when I see who enters. It's Gwen and Leon. I let go of the hilt of my sword and gaze at Gwen's profile. She's stunning.

I watch as Gwen immediately runs to Merlin's bedside, Leon following close behind.

"Oh no, what happened to him?" Gwen asks frantically.

"A sword wound, and quite deep as well. I think it may even be infected," Gaius explains sombrely.

Gwen holds her hand to her face, stifling a sob. I walk over and drape an arm around her shoulder, letting her cry into my chest.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Leon asks, worried.

"I'm not sure there is anything that I can do."

My eyes widen. We all turn to look at Gaius.

"What do you mean? Are you saying there's no hope?" Gwaine asks, attempting to keep his voice steady.

"The wound is too deep, and the infection has spread too much. Even with my knowledge I don't think I can help him."

I see Gwaine turn and punch the fall in a fit of anger. "Gwaine. Calm down," I chide him.

Gwaine continues to breathe heavily. His fists are clenched at his side. I understand his anger. I would run Morgause through if I could as well.

"Is there honestly no other way?" I ask Gaius.

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