Chapter 41 - The Final Battle

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Arthur's POV

I dart down the various corridors, silently hating the huge network of halls in the castle.

I run into many sorcerers or sorceresses along the way. Luckily, I'm able to cut them down without much difficulty. I'm about to turn the corner when a voice echoes through my skull.

"Arthur?" The voice calls in my head. I stop in my tracks. A telepathic message?

"Who are you?" I ask, sending a message back.

"It's Mordred. What's going on? I'm on the outskirts of Camelot and I can see smoke and fire."

"Scarlett. She's back."


"Can you ask the Druids for some help?"

"Of course. I'll send for them as soon as I can. Are you able to hold out until then?"

"I'll try."

"Alright. Stay safe."

Mordred's voice fades away. I whip around the corner, heading towards the east walls, glad to have some backup coming.


Travis's POV

I stare, wide eyed, at Emrys. He hasn't noticed me yet but my heart is already leaping with joy. He's alive. He's safe.

"Emrys!" I call, sprinting down the hall to greet him.

He spins around, face brightening with recognition. "Travis!" He yells back in surprise. His usual contagious smile plastered on his face.

He slowly makes his way towards me, stumbling every so often. When I finally reach him I almost flatten him with a hug. He chuckles and hugs back. I look up at him when we part, a large smile on my face but it soon drops when I see the state he's in. Sweat trickles down his forehead, lining his face. He's breathing heavily, bags under his eyes, and I didn't even think his skin could look any paler then it already was. It's usual colour turned a sickly shade. He looks about ready to collapse.

"Emrys?" I say worriedly.

"Yes?" He looks up, giving me a smile.

"Are you... alright?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You look like death."

"I assure you I'm fine."

I look at him wearily. "Don't lie."

"I. Am. Fine. Why are you here Travis? I doubt you came here by yourself just to look for me. You would never leave Ari alone."

A stab of pain courses through me at the mention of Ari. He doesn't know what happened. I look away, forcing the tears back into my eyes. I take a ragged breath. "Ari's dead."

Emrys stares at me in horror. I can see the pain in his eyes. "Did those Camelot Knights kill her?" He asks hesitantly.

I nod.

Anger and bewilderment spreads across his face. His fists clench beside him. "Camelot Knights..." He mumbles to himself, in disbelief. "You came here for revenge."

I look back towards him. "Yes, and to find you. I have lost everything because of them. I've had enough. I won't let them get away with it any longer." I grit my teeth in anger.

"Travis... don't do this-"

"Why are you defending them?! They killed my family! They killed countless of our kin and you're going to let them just walk away?!"

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